Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Next Patriots Open Meeting

All concerned citizens are invited to our next LaGrange Patriots meeting. We will have an exciting guest speaker Dr. Tom Gore who is a respected cardiologist and two term member of the LaGrange City Council. He has helped lead the fight against nationized health care.

We also will have a tribute to the LaGrange and Washington DC tea parties and other informational items you won't want to miss.

There will be hamburger plates (with chips, dessert, and drink) available at 6pm for $5 each. The meeting will start at 6:30pm.

Also, we still have t-shirts and yard signs available and on Thursday we will have high quality DVDs of the entire LaGrange Tea Party available for sale as well.

What: LaGrange Patriots Open Meeting
Where: Hoofer's, Hogansville Rd., LaGrange, GA
When: Thursday, October 8th, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Who: Open to General Public

Why We Went to DC on 9/12

Sunday, September 27, 2009


It is a funny thing about a socialist: Give one an inch and the next thing you know he becomes president!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ben Stein on Tea Parties

Here are Ben Stein's views on James Carville and the Tea Party movement...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Refuting Racist Charges

Former President Jimmy Carter has dared to call Tea Party Patriots racists simply because we disagree with President Obama. This is terribly ironic considering the Democratic party was the party fighting the civil rights movement in the 60s, standing in the doors of schools not allowing desegregation, and is the party of the only active Senator that was a former member of the KKK, Robert Byrd. Here is a very detailed analysis of President Carter's ridiculous accusation...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Call to Action to the LaGrange Patriots

We are a group who are calling for our elected officials to abide by their oath to the Constitution which, if they did, would result in securing our freedom, reducing the size and overreach of government, fiscal responsibility, lower taxes and and end to unconstitutional legislation.

The "reform" "take over" or what ever they want to call this health care tax bill does none of the above. In fact, it does quite the opposite. If the federal government creates this massive health tax bill, it will enslave 300 million to have their very lives in essence owned by the government. It will create the largest federal agency in the history of the world. One can look at the agencies already in place and know from what they observe no agency in government ever conserves anything but gets larger and larger in it's administration, taking more and more from the private sector to administer it's functions. The largest portion of any government budget is in salaries and benefits and we can add the cost of labor unions as well that promote higher salaries and more benefits if this "reform" bill is passed. Keep in mind the cost of government is paid for by the citizens. Be careful to notice the change of language to "co-ops" "Insurance exchange" "choice" etc. The Baucus bill includes higher taxes, mandates, penalties, lack of choice, and above all a death nail to freedom in this country.

We can expect that every democrat in the Senate will support what ever comes out of the Senate Finance committee. We must contact the republicans who have a tendency to compromise. It only takes one republican vote in the senate to get this unconstitutional legislation passed. I have included in this email the names, addresses and phone numbers of all the senators. Snowe should be contacted immediately along with Enzi, Kyl, Grassley, Collins and any other republican who tends to compromise like McCain, or Lindsey Graham. We should also make sure our own Chambliss and Isakson are a no vote. Isakson just voted on spending more money the other day when Chambliss did not. Go figure.

Post cards, letters, hand written or otherwise, phone calls and faxes are important. Every elected official has a website with contact information if you need more than I have provided. Pray and act in a polite way for the end game is keeping our liberty and preserving it for those who come after us.

For the cause,
Ellen Gilmore

The Republicans, Senators Michael B. Enzi of Wyoming and Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, have catalogued their concerns in documents sent to the chairman, Senator Max Baucus, Democrat of Montana. President Obama has broadly endorsed many elements of Mr. Baucus’s proposal, which White House officials praise as a possible template for comprehensive health legislation, Mr. Obama’s top domestic priority.

Six members of the Finance Committee — three Democrats and three Republicans — have been trying since June to agree on a bill that would expand
health insurance coverage and rein in health costs. Senator Kent Conrad, Democrat of North Dakota, said Monday that the cost of the package, originally put at $1 trillion over 10 years, was now less than $880 billion. But many governors in both parties still have deep concerns about a provision that would require states to pay some of the cost of covering millions of additional low-income people under Medicaid. And Mr. Enzi indicated that he shared their concerns.

A summary of the senators’ views, prepared by the Finance Committee, says Mr. Enzi believes that the federal government should pay “100 percent of the cost of the Medicaid expansion, in order to avoid an unfunded mandate” for states, which ordinarily share Medicaid costs with the federal government. Mr. Enzi and Mr. Grassley have also objected to the fees that Mr. Baucus wants to impose on health insurance companies, clinical laboratories and manufacturers of medical devices. Such fees would help finance coverage of the uninsured.
Mr. Enzi and Mr. Grassley also told Mr. Baucus that health legislation must include language affirmatively prohibiting the use of federal money to pay for
abortion. The restriction, they said, should apply to any subsidies that help low-income people buy insurance. In addition, they said, health plans should not be obliged to provide abortion. Thus, they said, the bill should “include a conscience clause to protect entities from being required to contract with abortion providers.”

By contrast, a Democrat participating in the negotiations, Senator
Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico, told colleagues that the legislation should “remain silent” on abortion, according to the committee documents. Mr. Baucus and other senators agree that illegal immigrants should not benefit from the health care overhaul in any way. Mr. Enzi and Mr. Grassley want a five-year waiting period for legal immigrants to receive tax credits, or subsidies, to help them buy insurance.

Mr. Obama and most Democrats support a proposal that would require most Americans to carry health insurance. Under Mr. Baucus’s proposal, a family that went without coverage would be subject to a penalty of up to $3,800 a year. The committee documents show that Mr. Grassley has reservations about this approach. He believes that “the individual responsibility to have health coverage should be reconsidered and replaced with a reinsurance policy to ensure that affordable health coverage is available to everyone in a voluntary system, with a lower overall cost for the package,” one document says. Under a reinsurance program, people carry private insurance, but the government might pick up some or all of the cost of claims exceeding a certain amount.

The third Republican in the group, Senator
Olympia J. Snowe of Maine, is pushing another idea to make insurance readily available. She urged her colleagues to “allow private insurance companies to offer national plans, with uniform benefit packages that are offered across state lines.”

Mr. Baucus said the Finance Committee would take up the legislation and start voting on it next week. That would allow the full Senate to consider the legislation next month. But Senate and House leaders have missed many self-imposed deadlines in the past. Senate leaders would need to meld any Finance Committee bill with one approved in July by the Senate health committee, and that could be a challenge.

The Finance Committee, like Democratic leaders of the House, intend to expand Medicaid to cover anyone with income less than 133 percent of the poverty level ($29,327 for a family of four). Under a bill approved by the House Energy and Commerce Committee, the federal government would pick up all the additional Medicaid costs for two years, 2013 and 2014, but states would have to pay 10 percent of the cost for the newly eligible Medicaid recipients starting in 2015. Members of the Senate Finance Committee said they might require states to pay a larger share, perhaps 15 percent or 20 percent of the new costs. Governors of both parties object to such requirements as an “unfunded mandate.”

In a letter to the Senate, Gov.
Mitch Daniels of Indiana, a Republican, said: “States will likely have to pick up the tab for this extension of Medicaid. We have estimated that the price for Indiana could reach upwards of $724 million annually. These additional costs will overwhelm our resources and obliterate the reserves we have fought so hard to protect.

For a list of Senators with their full contact information, please see...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

LaGrange Report from Washington DC

Well, we know at least 11 members of the LaGrange Patriots made the journey to DC for the 9-12 March on DC. We did encounter two other crowd members wearing LaGrange Patriots shirts and there certainly could be more that we weren't aware of.

It was an incredible event that every one of us would attend again if we had the chance. We began on Thursday by presenting our GA senators with the petition signed at the LaGrange Tea Party. Then after a couple days of sightseeing in the historic city, the magic began on 9-12.

None of us had any idea what to expect on Saturday. Everyone kept asking us how many people would come and how big the event would be. We were given our first clue when approaching the Metro station and seeing dozens of people with Gadsden flags and Tea Party tshirts. But it hit us much harder when the train arrived jam packed with fellow protesters. At every train stop, people would cheer as more Patriots would pile into the Metro train.

When we finally managed to get out of the train and reached the street level, it seemed that everyone we could see was there for the event. So we began the trek to Freedom Plaza where the march was planned to begin. What we saw amazed us, as the Plaza was completely jammed with people making their voices heard. Here is a scan of a small portion of the crowd in the Plaza...

Once the plaza became too overcrowded, people began gathering in the streets and blocking traffic because they had no where else to go. We had some great speakers at the Freedom Plaza rally including our friend Jonathan Krohn. Everyone was definitely getting energized and ready to march. Then, it was announced that the police were forcing us to begin our march over an hour early because of the massive overcrowding. So the march began...

The march itself was tremendous. Floods of people going down Pennsylvania Ave toward the Capitol building. The spirit of the crowd was great with chanting and singing spontaneously breaking out. There was no sign of conflicts or violence at all. The crowd marching down the street was extremely large, but we could see down the side streets and see others marching down other streets as well.

Once we arrived at the Capitol, the main Capitol lawn was already pretty much full. And this was still at least an hour earlier than we were supposed to be there. We began filling the area around the reflective pond and floods of people kept arriving from the march. Soon they were filling the mall below. Here is a scan of the crowd from under the Grant statue at the bottom of the Capitol lawn...

Even hours into the event, they would announce that the marchers were still coming down Pennsylvania Ave. At the rally, the speeches were excellent and the time seemed to fly by. A couple representatives of Georgia spoke including Rep. Tom Price. My favorite line of the day came from Rep. Mike Pence from Indiana. He said, "many people say the people here are astroturf, not Americans. After nine years of fighting runaway federal spending here on Capitol Hill... you people look like the calvary to me." Here is the full speech by Pence...

Before we knew it, the event was over. But not until after a historic gathering of fiscal conservatives met for one of the rare times in US history. See, conservatives aren't typically the type to go out and protest at some event. Usually, they are happy handling their responsibilities and caring for their families while just requesting that the government leave them alone. But in today's environment, many realize this utopia is no more, and we will have to take a stand if we want our children to realize the same country we have enjoyed our entire lives.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

LaGrange Patriots in Washington DC

We got to meet with Senator Chambliss and Senator Isakson from Georgia and present our petition that was signed by all of the Patriots in LaGrange!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tea Party Success

I want to thank everyone who came out yesterday to our Tea Party in LaGrange. It was a great energetic crowd which we could best estimate between 2,500-3,000 people. The weather turned out perfect and we had a great event. All of the speakers were tremendous and thanks to all of the volunteers for making this possible. We will be uploading pictures and videos as quickly as possible. Here is a video of Jonathan Krohn giving one of the great speeches of the day...

Here is a video of Ray McBerry speaking as well...

Monday, September 7, 2009

Straight From The Heart

On 7 September 2009, a group of conservative citizens from LaGrange, Troup County, and surrounding areas came together on the square in LaGrange, Georgia. They were not only there as citizens, they were in one accord making a stand against an out of control government. It was omnipotent joy to hear the patriotism that was pervasive throughout the entire downtown area. I have been to tea parties in Atlanta and Cobb County but it is truly a special feeling when your hometown citizens are the ones participating. I believe without a doubt that the best weapon for achieving victory over an out of control government is to cast your vote and to become politically active. Do not become complacent and every opportunity you get keep firing missiles of truth at liberal lies. Today has been a pleasure. Amen!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Freedom To Facism

President Barak Obama has currently an estimated 32, so called "Czars." There have been former presidents which have utilized a few czars. But no other president has appointed so many czars. President Obama already has 15 advisors that are the heads of cabinet positions which could handle the responsibilities assigned to these czars.

So, why exactly does Obama need 32 czars appointed by him and accountable only to him and no one really knows or undedrstands what their responsibilities include. Some of the czars are more polemic in nature that others. One major conspiratorial aspect of these appointments is that there is no expectation of senate confirmation. It is as if a new secretive layer of bureaucracy has been added to the federal government. The czars have been given positional titles in order to give the illusionary effect of being legitimate entities. Secondly, just how much power will these aspirants wield. Would they just advise the president on issues or would they actually help formulate national policy or draft new legislation? Thirdly, because they are appointed by the president without scrunity will they eventually circumvent the constitutional authority of the United States Congress, possibly with impunity?

There are some czars that are of a higher profile than others. The first czar, so called advisor, is Van Jones, who by the time of this article rendered his resignation because of his controversial racist remarks. He was to be the "Green Czar" and his responsibilities were to create environmentally friendly jobs for low income inner city residents. In truth the jobs that would be created would primarily be low paying positions distributed to low income African-Americans. Wages to pay these individuals would come from industries in the form of higher taxes, especially if those businesses exceeded the amount of carbon emissions allowed within the piece of legislation known as "Cap and Trade." And if you did not know, Van Jones is a proclaimed communist.

Another czar that comes to mind is John Holdren, who was appointed as the Obama Aministrations Science Czar. Holdren probably would prefer to keep his agenda completely under wraps. His ideology from past resources conveys that he conducted studies in Eco-Science. Basically the concept behind this field of science is the belief that in order to save the economy everything must be "cost effective." Didn't we hear this term quite often over the health care issue. Included under this same umbrella, is the idea of bio-ethics. The ideology of bio-ethics is to make decisions as to which groups of people in American society should be allowed to live if they should happen to contract a serious illness. Young people would be the primary beneificiaries of bio-ethics. Because the logic that would prevail is that it is more cost effective to keep young people alive. That way society would recieve more productive working years from that particular group. It reminds me of that old cliche', "Cut your loses and move on!" Holdren has also supported the idea of depopulation. He even went so far as to conjure up a method that called for spiking the public water supplies in order to cause sterilization amongst the general population.

Mark Lloyd is the newly appointed diversity czar chosen to ensure that conservative talk radio and television programs provide equal time for opposing points of view from liberals. Lloyd would have to enforce this policy through what is called "localism". This would have to be carried out on the local level because the idea of another Fairness Doctrine would attract too much attention and create more cry and hue than the Obama Administration is willing to endure. So regulations by the FCC will be implemented at a low profile level. This method of modius operandi will allow the federal government to stifle any dissession from the conservative right so that they can carry out their dangerous agendas.

President Obama is incrementally disassembling the federal government. His ultimate objective is to establish the national government as a religious sort of entity so that he can gain power for himself and his cronies. The actions that he has taken only after 200 days in office is unprecedented in the history of the United States. Conservatives really should not listen so much as to what Obama says as to what he does.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

LaGrange Patriot T-Shirts

We have LaGrange Patriot T-Shirts available now for $10 each. You may have already seen them around the area.
If you would like to get one before the Labor Day Tea Party on Monday, send me a message using the "Contact Me" link on the right with your contact info, and I will try to get one to you early. Otherwise, they will be for sale at the event on Monday. There are also yard signs available for $5 each.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tea Party Movement is Alive...

Fox News report on the Tea Party movement can be viewed here.