We’ve made some great progress in our efforts to create a Tea Party in LaGrange that grabs the attention of our elected officials. Though our numbers may be small compared to larger markets, remember the words of founding father Samuel Adams, “It does not take a majority to prevail. Just an irate, tireless minority, setting brushfires in people’s minds.”
But we have so much farther to go. We are realizing at this point that we will definitely need additional funding to continue moving forward with our efforts. Signs, posters, t-shirts, insurance, advertising, and all the other miscellaneous expenses require support from concerned members of the community like yourself.
We have attempted to make donations as simple as possible for anyone who wants to give. If you would like to contribute, simply follow the instructions on the left hand panel of the website. (Though we are a non-profit organization, your donations are NOT tax deductible)
Please donate and support our efforts. We need to make a difference in this country, and we can with your help.
Don’t forgot to invite everyone you know to the LaGrange Square on Labor Day as we continue to take our country back.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Health Care Town Hall
A partner Tea Party group in Columbus has put together a Health Care Town Hall meeting. Here are all the details...
I am pleased to announce that we have now set up a town hall on health care to provide information to our area. This will have the following format: each panelist will have approximately 4 minutes to present their information about the health care legislation passing through Congress. Then the program will be opened to attendees to ask questions. Questions may be directed at a particular panelist, or to the panel at large. Our panelists will include two physicians (an ophthalmologist and a hospitalist), an attorney and an independent insurance company president. We may have a third physician, but this may not be certain until the last day or two prior.
Where: Columbus Main Library in the auditorium, 3000 Macon Road
When: Thursday, July 30th, 6:00-7:30 PM EDT We have reserved the library room starting at 5:30 and until 8 PM closing.
Seating will be limited to 120 attendees. If you plan to attend, please email me so that I can keep track of our member response. I do not want people to make the trip and there is no room available. If you are attending and would like to present a question, please email your question. We would like to have some questions to begin lining up people who wish to participate in the question and answer period..
What I hope will work out for this event, and I will know on Monday, is that I have been in discussions with WRBL- TV about increasing the dissemination of our program. We are meeting at the library on Monday to determine if a live video stream could be set up for the town hall. This would mean our entire town hall would be available at their website for real time viewing. I will send an email to the volunteers assisting at the event if we do this webcast, so that we can plan how we handle the questions and provide assistance to those attending.
Sandy Toth
I am pleased to announce that we have now set up a town hall on health care to provide information to our area. This will have the following format: each panelist will have approximately 4 minutes to present their information about the health care legislation passing through Congress. Then the program will be opened to attendees to ask questions. Questions may be directed at a particular panelist, or to the panel at large. Our panelists will include two physicians (an ophthalmologist and a hospitalist), an attorney and an independent insurance company president. We may have a third physician, but this may not be certain until the last day or two prior.
Where: Columbus Main Library in the auditorium, 3000 Macon Road
When: Thursday, July 30th, 6:00-7:30 PM EDT We have reserved the library room starting at 5:30 and until 8 PM closing.
Seating will be limited to 120 attendees. If you plan to attend, please email me so that I can keep track of our member response. I do not want people to make the trip and there is no room available. If you are attending and would like to present a question, please email your question. We would like to have some questions to begin lining up people who wish to participate in the question and answer period..
What I hope will work out for this event, and I will know on Monday, is that I have been in discussions with WRBL- TV about increasing the dissemination of our program. We are meeting at the library on Monday to determine if a live video stream could be set up for the town hall. This would mean our entire town hall would be available at their website for real time viewing. I will send an email to the volunteers assisting at the event if we do this webcast, so that we can plan how we handle the questions and provide assistance to those attending.
Sandy Toth
Contact Representatives About Health Care
Everyone needs to contact their Senate and House Representatives to express you opinion of the government takeover of health care. Below is the information needed to determine who to contact with their contact information...
Washington's effort to overhaul the nation's health care system has generated an intense debate among lawmakers, policy makers and health care providers. If you want to express your opinion too, here is a list of key players involved and how to contact them.
The White House: (202) 456-1111 or send an e-mail at www.whitehouse..gov/contact/
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.: (202) 225-4965 or e-mail her at AmericanVoices@mail.house.gov
House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio: (202) 225-6205 or e-mail him at AsktheLeader@mail.house.gov
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.: (202) 224-3542 or send an e-mail at www.reid.senate.gov/contact/
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.: (202) 224-2541 or send an e-mail at www.mcconnell.senate.gov/contact_form.cfm
Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which canceled its vote this week on health care legislation because there was not enough support : (202) 225-3976 or send an e-mail at www.waxman.house.gov/contact/
Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, ranking member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee: (202) 225-2002 or send an e-mail at www.joebarton.house.gov/contactjoe.aspx?Type=Contact
Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, which passed its health care bill last week: (202) 224-2823 or send an e-mail at www.dodd.senate.gov/index.php?q=node/3128
Sen. Michael Enzi, ranking member on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee: (202) 224-3424 or send an e-mail at www.enzi.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactInformation.EmailSenatorEnzi
Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, which is still working on its version of a health care bill: (202) 224-2651 or send an e-mail at www.baucus.senate.gov/contact/emailForm.cfm?subj=issue
Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, ranking member on the Senate Finance Committee: (202) 224-3744 or send an e-mail at www.grassley.senate.gov/contact.cfm
Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y. chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, which passed its health care bill last week: (202) 225-4365 or send an e-mail at www.forms.house.gov/rangel/forms/contact.shtml
Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich., ranking member on the House Ways and Means Committee: (202) 225-3561 or send an e-mail at www.camp.house.gov/contact/
Rep.. George Miller, D-Calif., chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, which passed its health care bill last week: (202) 225-2095 or send an e-mail at www.georgemiller.house.gov/contactus/2007/08/post_1.html
Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., ranking member on the Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions Subcommittee: (202) 225-4501 or send an e-mail at www.tom.house.gov/html/contact_form_email.cfm
UPDATE 7-27-09 2:09PM - I was reminded that the best chance of changing minds in Washington is to focus on the Blue Dog Democrats who are the most conservative. For a list of Blue Dogs with their contact information, please visit... http://www.columbusgateaparty.com/prod/govt-contacts/blue-dog-coalition.
Washington's effort to overhaul the nation's health care system has generated an intense debate among lawmakers, policy makers and health care providers. If you want to express your opinion too, here is a list of key players involved and how to contact them.
The White House: (202) 456-1111 or send an e-mail at www.whitehouse..gov/contact/
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.: (202) 225-4965 or e-mail her at AmericanVoices@mail.house.gov
House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio: (202) 225-6205 or e-mail him at AsktheLeader@mail.house.gov
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.: (202) 224-3542 or send an e-mail at www.reid.senate.gov/contact/
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.: (202) 224-2541 or send an e-mail at www.mcconnell.senate.gov/contact_form.cfm
Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which canceled its vote this week on health care legislation because there was not enough support : (202) 225-3976 or send an e-mail at www.waxman.house.gov/contact/
Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, ranking member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee: (202) 225-2002 or send an e-mail at www.joebarton.house.gov/contactjoe.aspx?Type=Contact
Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, which passed its health care bill last week: (202) 224-2823 or send an e-mail at www.dodd.senate.gov/index.php?q=node/3128
Sen. Michael Enzi, ranking member on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee: (202) 224-3424 or send an e-mail at www.enzi.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactInformation.EmailSenatorEnzi
Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, which is still working on its version of a health care bill: (202) 224-2651 or send an e-mail at www.baucus.senate.gov/contact/emailForm.cfm?subj=issue
Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, ranking member on the Senate Finance Committee: (202) 224-3744 or send an e-mail at www.grassley.senate.gov/contact.cfm
Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y. chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, which passed its health care bill last week: (202) 225-4365 or send an e-mail at www.forms.house.gov/rangel/forms/contact.shtml
Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich., ranking member on the House Ways and Means Committee: (202) 225-3561 or send an e-mail at www.camp.house.gov/contact/
Rep.. George Miller, D-Calif., chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, which passed its health care bill last week: (202) 225-2095 or send an e-mail at www.georgemiller.house.gov/contactus/2007/08/post_1.html
Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., ranking member on the Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions Subcommittee: (202) 225-4501 or send an e-mail at www.tom.house.gov/html/contact_form_email.cfm
UPDATE 7-27-09 2:09PM - I was reminded that the best chance of changing minds in Washington is to focus on the Blue Dog Democrats who are the most conservative. For a list of Blue Dogs with their contact information, please visit... http://www.columbusgateaparty.com/prod/govt-contacts/blue-dog-coalition.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Facebook Group

Thanks to Teri, we now have a Facebook group page for the LaGrange Patriots. If you are connected on Facebook, be sure to join this group. Facebook is an excellent way to send out invitations to your network of online friends. Let's take advantage of every tool we have to get the word out!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Invite! Invite! Invite!
Incredible response from everyone about our Tea Party plans. I'm getting stopped by people every day asking about the Tea Party and wanting to volunteer. Many have joined our email list for updates leading up to the event as well.
It looks like there are more people than we expected that are tired of Washington politics trying to take over our lives. Let's keep up the pressure on our elected officials and make them vote as their constituents demand instead of voting with the standard party line.
The best way you can help the effort is to tell your friends, family, coworkers, church members, neighbors, and everyone else you can think of about our efforts. We need everyone to...
1. Promise to come to the Tea Party on Labor Day
2. Sign up for email alerts so we can keep them involved
3. Invite others to come to the Tea Party
4. Donate to the cause
5. Write and/or call your Representatives
We can make a difference in the country if we all work together!
It looks like there are more people than we expected that are tired of Washington politics trying to take over our lives. Let's keep up the pressure on our elected officials and make them vote as their constituents demand instead of voting with the standard party line.
The best way you can help the effort is to tell your friends, family, coworkers, church members, neighbors, and everyone else you can think of about our efforts. We need everyone to...
1. Promise to come to the Tea Party on Labor Day
2. Sign up for email alerts so we can keep them involved
3. Invite others to come to the Tea Party
4. Donate to the cause
5. Write and/or call your Representatives
We can make a difference in the country if we all work together!
Monday, July 20, 2009
LaGrange Daily News
Here is a link to an article in our local LaGrange Daily News concerning our upcoming Tea Party.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
LaGrange Tea Party

We have several speakers lined up and plan to have an excellent event. More details on the specifics of the event will come out, but the key right now is to tell all of your friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family that we need to show up in large numbers so that we can show Washington that we are tired of the endless wasteful spending and encroachment of our liberties.
If you would like to volunteer to assist with the Tea Party or have a business and would like to be a vendor or sponsor of the event, please email the LaGrange Patriots at the link on the right of the page.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Columbus Health Care Tea Party
Thanks to everyone who made the drive to Columbus to protest the governments upcoming health care vote. By estimates, there were 80-100 people lined up on 9th street in front of Congressman Sanford Bishop's office. There were a couple TV stations at the event and here is the writeup from the local Columbus paper. I know that at least 12 attendees were LaGrange Patriots. Keep up the effort and keep the pressure on Washington.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Thanks to Volunteers
Thanks to the 100 volunteers who showed up at our first planning meeting on July 14th. With only a single email as the initial request and only two days of advance notice, it is remarkable that we had that many people interested in our cause. Now it is time to get to work. We will quickly assemble committees and start moving forward on planning our upcoming event. More details to come...
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