Thursday, May 6, 2010
What is the Tea Party?
What is the Tea Party movement? It seems so obvious to me, but I have seen some strange indications from a variety of sources that many people do not understand what it is all about. First and foremost, Tea Party groups such as LaGrange Patriots are simply groups of Americans who believe this country is really quite special and that it is special because of the fundamental principles on which our nation was founded. The current President of the United States was elected on a platform that said he would fundamentally change the country. This does not compute for most Tea Party people. We are for improving, streamlining and even tweaking, but we are not for changing the fundamental beliefs that have made the United States a model for nations around the world.
Our nation is founded on certain unalienable rights and principles. They do not need changing. America was founded as a free market society in which government was directed to limit itself to only certain areas. Since the early 20th Century and the advent of the progressive movement, as a nation we have been moving away from those elementary principles. Government has become bigger and more intrusive in the lives of the average American citizen. This was not the intent of the founding fathers. History clearly tells us that the founders feared a government with too much power. These well educated and dedicated statesmen recognized that rights come from God and that they are not granted by government. We believe that the Federal government, and in some cases State governments, have increasingly violated individual rights of American citizens.
When our government ignores or violates the U.S. Constitution, it is disregarding the contract it made with citizens over 200 years ago. The Constitution stipulates what the Federal government is empowered to do. Further, the Tenth Amendment clearly states that other powers are reserved to the States or to the people. Tea Party members believe that this fundamental relationship has been violated.
LaGrange Patriots promote voter awareness. We covet the values of free enterprise, hard work and individual self-determination. We disagree with those who would change our nation into another Soviet Union or another Cuba. Over a period of 200 years, our constitutional form of government has proven itself effective. The United States has become the envy of the world. We believe that what made America great is the personal responsibility and determination of each citizen to strive for a better life. We, as Americans, are guaranteed the right to strive, but we are not guaranteed success. Certainly, we do not expect any form of success engineered by a "big brother" government.
If you agree with these fundamental beliefs, join us on Saturday, May 15th at 4:00 p.m. in Lafayette Square. There, LaGrange Patriots will celebrate the joy and challenge of being Americans. Herman Cain will lead our list of speakers. This Tea Party Rally is not limited by race, religion, national origin or political party. Come and participate as we celebrate being Americans.
Ford McLain
Thursday, April 29, 2010
GA Governor's Forum
Ray McBerry - 152 (57%)
Eric Johnson - 47 (18%)
Nathan Deal - 29 (11%)
Karen Handel - 20 (7%)
John Oxendine - 19 (7%)
WRBL Coverage of Patriots Protest
WRBL in Columbus covered this week's protests outside the LaGrange Daily News. They did a very fair job in presenting our issue and letting the Patriots voice their concerns. Check out the video footage below from their website. Thanks to everyone who came out for the protest and a special thanks to Kahty Ropte from the Harris County Tea Party group for helping organize the protest.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
LDN Protest Update
Regarding publication of the scandalous cartoon and picketing planned for LaGrange Daily News. We have negotiated in good faith with the publisher of the LaGrange Daily News to get an apology and thus forego the picketing. I was promised by the publisher that the LDN would say, “I sincerely apologize to those individuals who were offended by the political cartoon that was published in LaGrange Daily News’ opinion page.” Instead, this was substituted: “To those individuals who were offended by the political cartoon that was published in LaGrange Daily News’ opinion page, I’m sorry."
“I’m Sorry” is what children say when caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Adults say “I sincerely apologize” when they do indeed wish to sincerely apologize. Then, to add insult to injury, two anti-Tea Party letters were published alongside the half-hearted apology.
As a result of this duplicity, we feel betrayed and will, therefore, support Harris County Tea Party and others in their decision to picket LDN Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. We encourage all to participate. Please remember that we must take the high road. Our picketing activities should be peaceful, respectful and dignified. Tawdry or vulgar signs are prohibited, as is crude language.
Yours sincerely,
Ford McLain
President, LaGrange Patriots
Friday, April 16, 2010
Tea Party Editorial Cartoon

Monday, March 22, 2010
Health Care Fallout
Be sure to make plans to attend our upcoming GA governor's forum in April to be an informed voter!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
The Health Care Fraud
Consider this as a starter. What things impact your health? What you eat, what you weigh, the amount of exercise you get and even many of your private personal habits. In Japan if you are 40 or older you must have your waistline measured. Those exceeding government limits which are 33.5 inches for men and 35.4 inches for women are in trouble. If after three months, they do not lose weight they will be given “dieting guidance.” If necessary, those people will be steered toward further re-education. After all, overweight people represent a cost to the government health care program. This is not socialism. It is fascism. It is government control of your life. This is the direction we are heading if the current health care proposals are passed.
The fascist ideal is to create the perfect society. How does this get accomplished? By government control, of course. To achieve this goal there must be tinkering with the stuff society is made of. People, that is. Your waistline may only be the beginning. The government needs to have a say in who can reproduce and who can not. If two “inferior” people want to procreate, it becomes the government’s responsibility to curtail that. How? Use your imagination. Remember, healthy, superior children will obviously reduce health care costs. Since our taxes are paying for everyone’s health care, it is the government’s responsibility to reduce costs.
Did you know that there is a theory out there that says global warming can be reduced if we have fewer children? If the global warming people have their way, the number of children you are allowed to have will be regulated by the government. Even if you are not among those labeled as “inferior” or “deficient.”
If all this sounds radical and impossible to you, then you may be deluding yourself. This administration already admits to wanting to mandate who gets health care and who does not. If you are over a certain age, you have had your shot at life. No sense wasting expensive medicines or treatments on you! Just go on and die.
If you really like this trend and you agree that government knows better than you do what is best for you, just sit around and watch it happen. To quote Thomas Jefferson, “I am not a friend to a very energetic government. It is always oppressive.” And, by the way, there is no provision in the U.S. Constitution for the government to make these decisions for you. If you disagree with this kind of government take-over, you may want to support LaGrange Patriots who believe in strong enforcement of the Constitution. You may do so with your attendance at our events and/or by mailing a donation of any size to LaGrange Patriots, PO Box 800210, LaGrange, GA 30240.
Ford McLain
LaGrange, GA
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tea Party Movie Night
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tax Day Tea Parties in Washington DC

Patriots, we are making a difference. This is a critical election year. The Buses and rooms are reserved for a 5 night 6 day trip to D.C. to attend both the Tax Day March and the 2nd Amendment Marches and Rallies. We will leave early April 14th and return April 19th. Plenty of time to tour historic Washington and to visit legislators. Trip for accomodations at 5 star hotel and round trip transportation is $approx $440 per person double occupancy.
Locations of Pickup. Others cities will be added if we have enough people book in other areas not listed.
Gwinnett (Norcross or Duluth)
Hall (Gainesville)
Cherokee (Canton)
Gordon (Calhoun)
South Atlanta (Newnan or Peachtree City)
Among all of the events I help with I am also the 2nd Amendment Coordinator for the State of Georgia. The Second Amendment (Amendment II) to the United States Constitution is the part of the United States Bill of Rights that protects a right to keep and bear arms. They are constantly trying to take our Right to Bear Arms Away.
God Bless,
Nighta Davis 706-896-9021