Here is a great video exposing the fatal flaws of cap-and-trade legislation. Read the National Review article explaning the background to the video.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Tea Party Express

Monday, November 9th is the Atlanta leg of the Tea Party Express held at the Atlanta Capitol. You can find out more information about the rally here. We will be having a caravan driving up to the event on Monday meeting at the mall in LaGrange leaving at 4pm.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Success in the Patriots First Candidate Forum
Thanks to everyone who attended the GA State House forum last night for the district 129 seat. We had well over 100 attendees and were entertained with a lively debate over issues that concerns the citizens of our area. For those of you who were not able to attend, here are the opening statements from the four candidates to help you get to know them before the election next Tuesday, Nov 3rd. Remember, please get out and vote... early voting is open in all districts. This is your most important duty as a citizen.
Earl Davis
Steve Earles
Jerry Luquire
Kip Smith
Earl Davis
Steve Earles
Jerry Luquire
Kip Smith
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Candidate Forum Oct 29th

This election is a special election that will be held on Nov 3rd for the former seat held by Vance Smith. District 129 covers portions of LaGrange as well as Harris County, Pine Mountain, and northern Muscogee County. Please remember that even if you are not a resident of this district, it is important to attend this forum to represent your values. Every elected official casts votes that affect all of us, so it is imperative to influence every election.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Contacting Blue Dog Democrats
One of the most effective ways to make a difference in current legislation is to contact the Blue Dog Democrats. These are the "moderate" Democrats that can possibly be swayed on issues like government health care and cap and trade.
Last night at our meeting, we provided an email address that can be used to contact every Blue Dog Democrat in the US House. However, we provided the incorrect email address. The correct address to contact the Blue Dogs is
Last night at our meeting, we provided an email address that can be used to contact every Blue Dog Democrat in the US House. However, we provided the incorrect email address. The correct address to contact the Blue Dogs is
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Next Patriots Open Meeting
All concerned citizens are invited to our next LaGrange Patriots meeting. We will have an exciting guest speaker Dr. Tom Gore who is a respected cardiologist and two term member of the LaGrange City Council. He has helped lead the fight against nationized health care.
We also will have a tribute to the LaGrange and Washington DC tea parties and other informational items you won't want to miss.
There will be hamburger plates (with chips, dessert, and drink) available at 6pm for $5 each. The meeting will start at 6:30pm.
Also, we still have t-shirts and yard signs available and on Thursday we will have high quality DVDs of the entire LaGrange Tea Party available for sale as well.
What: LaGrange Patriots Open Meeting
Where: Hoofer's, Hogansville Rd., LaGrange, GA
When: Thursday, October 8th, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Who: Open to General Public
We also will have a tribute to the LaGrange and Washington DC tea parties and other informational items you won't want to miss.
There will be hamburger plates (with chips, dessert, and drink) available at 6pm for $5 each. The meeting will start at 6:30pm.
Also, we still have t-shirts and yard signs available and on Thursday we will have high quality DVDs of the entire LaGrange Tea Party available for sale as well.
What: LaGrange Patriots Open Meeting
Where: Hoofer's, Hogansville Rd., LaGrange, GA
When: Thursday, October 8th, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Who: Open to General Public
Sunday, September 27, 2009
It is a funny thing about a socialist: Give one an inch and the next thing you know he becomes president!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Refuting Racist Charges
Former President Jimmy Carter has dared to call Tea Party Patriots racists simply because we disagree with President Obama. This is terribly ironic considering the Democratic party was the party fighting the civil rights movement in the 60s, standing in the doors of schools not allowing desegregation, and is the party of the only active Senator that was a former member of the KKK, Robert Byrd. Here is a very detailed analysis of President Carter's ridiculous accusation...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Call to Action to the LaGrange Patriots
We are a group who are calling for our elected officials to abide by their oath to the Constitution which, if they did, would result in securing our freedom, reducing the size and overreach of government, fiscal responsibility, lower taxes and and end to unconstitutional legislation.
The "reform" "take over" or what ever they want to call this health care tax bill does none of the above. In fact, it does quite the opposite. If the federal government creates this massive health tax bill, it will enslave 300 million to have their very lives in essence owned by the government. It will create the largest federal agency in the history of the world. One can look at the agencies already in place and know from what they observe no agency in government ever conserves anything but gets larger and larger in it's administration, taking more and more from the private sector to administer it's functions. The largest portion of any government budget is in salaries and benefits and we can add the cost of labor unions as well that promote higher salaries and more benefits if this "reform" bill is passed. Keep in mind the cost of government is paid for by the citizens. Be careful to notice the change of language to "co-ops" "Insurance exchange" "choice" etc. The Baucus bill includes higher taxes, mandates, penalties, lack of choice, and above all a death nail to freedom in this country.
We can expect that every democrat in the Senate will support what ever comes out of the Senate Finance committee. We must contact the republicans who have a tendency to compromise. It only takes one republican vote in the senate to get this unconstitutional legislation passed. I have included in this email the names, addresses and phone numbers of all the senators. Snowe should be contacted immediately along with Enzi, Kyl, Grassley, Collins and any other republican who tends to compromise like McCain, or Lindsey Graham. We should also make sure our own Chambliss and Isakson are a no vote. Isakson just voted on spending more money the other day when Chambliss did not. Go figure.
Post cards, letters, hand written or otherwise, phone calls and faxes are important. Every elected official has a website with contact information if you need more than I have provided. Pray and act in a polite way for the end game is keeping our liberty and preserving it for those who come after us.
For the cause,
Ellen Gilmore
The Republicans, Senators Michael B. Enzi of Wyoming and Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, have catalogued their concerns in documents sent to the chairman, Senator Max Baucus, Democrat of Montana. President Obama has broadly endorsed many elements of Mr. Baucus’s proposal, which White House officials praise as a possible template for comprehensive health legislation, Mr. Obama’s top domestic priority.
Six members of the Finance Committee — three Democrats and three Republicans — have been trying since June to agree on a bill that would expand health insurance coverage and rein in health costs. Senator Kent Conrad, Democrat of North Dakota, said Monday that the cost of the package, originally put at $1 trillion over 10 years, was now less than $880 billion. But many governors in both parties still have deep concerns about a provision that would require states to pay some of the cost of covering millions of additional low-income people under Medicaid. And Mr. Enzi indicated that he shared their concerns.
A summary of the senators’ views, prepared by the Finance Committee, says Mr. Enzi believes that the federal government should pay “100 percent of the cost of the Medicaid expansion, in order to avoid an unfunded mandate” for states, which ordinarily share Medicaid costs with the federal government. Mr. Enzi and Mr. Grassley have also objected to the fees that Mr. Baucus wants to impose on health insurance companies, clinical laboratories and manufacturers of medical devices. Such fees would help finance coverage of the uninsured.
Mr. Enzi and Mr. Grassley also told Mr. Baucus that health legislation must include language affirmatively prohibiting the use of federal money to pay for abortion. The restriction, they said, should apply to any subsidies that help low-income people buy insurance. In addition, they said, health plans should not be obliged to provide abortion. Thus, they said, the bill should “include a conscience clause to protect entities from being required to contract with abortion providers.”
By contrast, a Democrat participating in the negotiations, Senator Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico, told colleagues that the legislation should “remain silent” on abortion, according to the committee documents. Mr. Baucus and other senators agree that illegal immigrants should not benefit from the health care overhaul in any way. Mr. Enzi and Mr. Grassley want a five-year waiting period for legal immigrants to receive tax credits, or subsidies, to help them buy insurance.
Mr. Obama and most Democrats support a proposal that would require most Americans to carry health insurance. Under Mr. Baucus’s proposal, a family that went without coverage would be subject to a penalty of up to $3,800 a year. The committee documents show that Mr. Grassley has reservations about this approach. He believes that “the individual responsibility to have health coverage should be reconsidered and replaced with a reinsurance policy to ensure that affordable health coverage is available to everyone in a voluntary system, with a lower overall cost for the package,” one document says. Under a reinsurance program, people carry private insurance, but the government might pick up some or all of the cost of claims exceeding a certain amount.
The third Republican in the group, Senator Olympia J. Snowe of Maine, is pushing another idea to make insurance readily available. She urged her colleagues to “allow private insurance companies to offer national plans, with uniform benefit packages that are offered across state lines.”
Mr. Baucus said the Finance Committee would take up the legislation and start voting on it next week. That would allow the full Senate to consider the legislation next month. But Senate and House leaders have missed many self-imposed deadlines in the past. Senate leaders would need to meld any Finance Committee bill with one approved in July by the Senate health committee, and that could be a challenge.
The Finance Committee, like Democratic leaders of the House, intend to expand Medicaid to cover anyone with income less than 133 percent of the poverty level ($29,327 for a family of four). Under a bill approved by the House Energy and Commerce Committee, the federal government would pick up all the additional Medicaid costs for two years, 2013 and 2014, but states would have to pay 10 percent of the cost for the newly eligible Medicaid recipients starting in 2015. Members of the Senate Finance Committee said they might require states to pay a larger share, perhaps 15 percent or 20 percent of the new costs. Governors of both parties object to such requirements as an “unfunded mandate.”
In a letter to the Senate, Gov. Mitch Daniels of Indiana, a Republican, said: “States will likely have to pick up the tab for this extension of Medicaid. We have estimated that the price for Indiana could reach upwards of $724 million annually. These additional costs will overwhelm our resources and obliterate the reserves we have fought so hard to protect.
For a list of Senators with their full contact information, please see...
The "reform" "take over" or what ever they want to call this health care tax bill does none of the above. In fact, it does quite the opposite. If the federal government creates this massive health tax bill, it will enslave 300 million to have their very lives in essence owned by the government. It will create the largest federal agency in the history of the world. One can look at the agencies already in place and know from what they observe no agency in government ever conserves anything but gets larger and larger in it's administration, taking more and more from the private sector to administer it's functions. The largest portion of any government budget is in salaries and benefits and we can add the cost of labor unions as well that promote higher salaries and more benefits if this "reform" bill is passed. Keep in mind the cost of government is paid for by the citizens. Be careful to notice the change of language to "co-ops" "Insurance exchange" "choice" etc. The Baucus bill includes higher taxes, mandates, penalties, lack of choice, and above all a death nail to freedom in this country.
We can expect that every democrat in the Senate will support what ever comes out of the Senate Finance committee. We must contact the republicans who have a tendency to compromise. It only takes one republican vote in the senate to get this unconstitutional legislation passed. I have included in this email the names, addresses and phone numbers of all the senators. Snowe should be contacted immediately along with Enzi, Kyl, Grassley, Collins and any other republican who tends to compromise like McCain, or Lindsey Graham. We should also make sure our own Chambliss and Isakson are a no vote. Isakson just voted on spending more money the other day when Chambliss did not. Go figure.
Post cards, letters, hand written or otherwise, phone calls and faxes are important. Every elected official has a website with contact information if you need more than I have provided. Pray and act in a polite way for the end game is keeping our liberty and preserving it for those who come after us.
For the cause,
Ellen Gilmore
The Republicans, Senators Michael B. Enzi of Wyoming and Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, have catalogued their concerns in documents sent to the chairman, Senator Max Baucus, Democrat of Montana. President Obama has broadly endorsed many elements of Mr. Baucus’s proposal, which White House officials praise as a possible template for comprehensive health legislation, Mr. Obama’s top domestic priority.
Six members of the Finance Committee — three Democrats and three Republicans — have been trying since June to agree on a bill that would expand health insurance coverage and rein in health costs. Senator Kent Conrad, Democrat of North Dakota, said Monday that the cost of the package, originally put at $1 trillion over 10 years, was now less than $880 billion. But many governors in both parties still have deep concerns about a provision that would require states to pay some of the cost of covering millions of additional low-income people under Medicaid. And Mr. Enzi indicated that he shared their concerns.
A summary of the senators’ views, prepared by the Finance Committee, says Mr. Enzi believes that the federal government should pay “100 percent of the cost of the Medicaid expansion, in order to avoid an unfunded mandate” for states, which ordinarily share Medicaid costs with the federal government. Mr. Enzi and Mr. Grassley have also objected to the fees that Mr. Baucus wants to impose on health insurance companies, clinical laboratories and manufacturers of medical devices. Such fees would help finance coverage of the uninsured.
Mr. Enzi and Mr. Grassley also told Mr. Baucus that health legislation must include language affirmatively prohibiting the use of federal money to pay for abortion. The restriction, they said, should apply to any subsidies that help low-income people buy insurance. In addition, they said, health plans should not be obliged to provide abortion. Thus, they said, the bill should “include a conscience clause to protect entities from being required to contract with abortion providers.”
By contrast, a Democrat participating in the negotiations, Senator Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico, told colleagues that the legislation should “remain silent” on abortion, according to the committee documents. Mr. Baucus and other senators agree that illegal immigrants should not benefit from the health care overhaul in any way. Mr. Enzi and Mr. Grassley want a five-year waiting period for legal immigrants to receive tax credits, or subsidies, to help them buy insurance.
Mr. Obama and most Democrats support a proposal that would require most Americans to carry health insurance. Under Mr. Baucus’s proposal, a family that went without coverage would be subject to a penalty of up to $3,800 a year. The committee documents show that Mr. Grassley has reservations about this approach. He believes that “the individual responsibility to have health coverage should be reconsidered and replaced with a reinsurance policy to ensure that affordable health coverage is available to everyone in a voluntary system, with a lower overall cost for the package,” one document says. Under a reinsurance program, people carry private insurance, but the government might pick up some or all of the cost of claims exceeding a certain amount.
The third Republican in the group, Senator Olympia J. Snowe of Maine, is pushing another idea to make insurance readily available. She urged her colleagues to “allow private insurance companies to offer national plans, with uniform benefit packages that are offered across state lines.”
Mr. Baucus said the Finance Committee would take up the legislation and start voting on it next week. That would allow the full Senate to consider the legislation next month. But Senate and House leaders have missed many self-imposed deadlines in the past. Senate leaders would need to meld any Finance Committee bill with one approved in July by the Senate health committee, and that could be a challenge.
The Finance Committee, like Democratic leaders of the House, intend to expand Medicaid to cover anyone with income less than 133 percent of the poverty level ($29,327 for a family of four). Under a bill approved by the House Energy and Commerce Committee, the federal government would pick up all the additional Medicaid costs for two years, 2013 and 2014, but states would have to pay 10 percent of the cost for the newly eligible Medicaid recipients starting in 2015. Members of the Senate Finance Committee said they might require states to pay a larger share, perhaps 15 percent or 20 percent of the new costs. Governors of both parties object to such requirements as an “unfunded mandate.”
In a letter to the Senate, Gov. Mitch Daniels of Indiana, a Republican, said: “States will likely have to pick up the tab for this extension of Medicaid. We have estimated that the price for Indiana could reach upwards of $724 million annually. These additional costs will overwhelm our resources and obliterate the reserves we have fought so hard to protect.
For a list of Senators with their full contact information, please see...
Sunday, September 13, 2009
LaGrange Report from Washington DC
Well, we know at least 11 members of the LaGrange Patriots made the journey to DC for the 9-12 March on DC. We did encounter two other crowd members wearing LaGrange Patriots shirts and there certainly could be more that we weren't aware of.
It was an incredible event that every one of us would attend again if we had the chance. We began on Thursday by presenting our GA senators with the petition signed at the LaGrange Tea Party. Then after a couple days of sightseeing in the historic city, the magic began on 9-12.
None of us had any idea what to expect on Saturday. Everyone kept asking us how many people would come and how big the event would be. We were given our first clue when approaching the Metro station and seeing dozens of people with Gadsden flags and Tea Party tshirts. But it hit us much harder when the train arrived jam packed with fellow protesters. At every train stop, people would cheer as more Patriots would pile into the Metro train.
When we finally managed to get out of the train and reached the street level, it seemed that everyone we could see was there for the event. So we began the trek to Freedom Plaza where the march was planned to begin. What we saw amazed us, as the Plaza was completely jammed with people making their voices heard. Here is a scan of a small portion of the crowd in the Plaza...
Once the plaza became too overcrowded, people began gathering in the streets and blocking traffic because they had no where else to go. We had some great speakers at the Freedom Plaza rally including our friend Jonathan Krohn. Everyone was definitely getting energized and ready to march. Then, it was announced that the police were forcing us to begin our march over an hour early because of the massive overcrowding. So the march began...
The march itself was tremendous. Floods of people going down Pennsylvania Ave toward the Capitol building. The spirit of the crowd was great with chanting and singing spontaneously breaking out. There was no sign of conflicts or violence at all. The crowd marching down the street was extremely large, but we could see down the side streets and see others marching down other streets as well.
Once we arrived at the Capitol, the main Capitol lawn was already pretty much full. And this was still at least an hour earlier than we were supposed to be there. We began filling the area around the reflective pond and floods of people kept arriving from the march. Soon they were filling the mall below. Here is a scan of the crowd from under the Grant statue at the bottom of the Capitol lawn...
Even hours into the event, they would announce that the marchers were still coming down Pennsylvania Ave. At the rally, the speeches were excellent and the time seemed to fly by. A couple representatives of Georgia spoke including Rep. Tom Price. My favorite line of the day came from Rep. Mike Pence from Indiana. He said, "many people say the people here are astroturf, not Americans. After nine years of fighting runaway federal spending here on Capitol Hill... you people look like the calvary to me." Here is the full speech by Pence...
Before we knew it, the event was over. But not until after a historic gathering of fiscal conservatives met for one of the rare times in US history. See, conservatives aren't typically the type to go out and protest at some event. Usually, they are happy handling their responsibilities and caring for their families while just requesting that the government leave them alone. But in today's environment, many realize this utopia is no more, and we will have to take a stand if we want our children to realize the same country we have enjoyed our entire lives.
It was an incredible event that every one of us would attend again if we had the chance. We began on Thursday by presenting our GA senators with the petition signed at the LaGrange Tea Party. Then after a couple days of sightseeing in the historic city, the magic began on 9-12.
None of us had any idea what to expect on Saturday. Everyone kept asking us how many people would come and how big the event would be. We were given our first clue when approaching the Metro station and seeing dozens of people with Gadsden flags and Tea Party tshirts. But it hit us much harder when the train arrived jam packed with fellow protesters. At every train stop, people would cheer as more Patriots would pile into the Metro train.
When we finally managed to get out of the train and reached the street level, it seemed that everyone we could see was there for the event. So we began the trek to Freedom Plaza where the march was planned to begin. What we saw amazed us, as the Plaza was completely jammed with people making their voices heard. Here is a scan of a small portion of the crowd in the Plaza...
Once the plaza became too overcrowded, people began gathering in the streets and blocking traffic because they had no where else to go. We had some great speakers at the Freedom Plaza rally including our friend Jonathan Krohn. Everyone was definitely getting energized and ready to march. Then, it was announced that the police were forcing us to begin our march over an hour early because of the massive overcrowding. So the march began...
The march itself was tremendous. Floods of people going down Pennsylvania Ave toward the Capitol building. The spirit of the crowd was great with chanting and singing spontaneously breaking out. There was no sign of conflicts or violence at all. The crowd marching down the street was extremely large, but we could see down the side streets and see others marching down other streets as well.
Once we arrived at the Capitol, the main Capitol lawn was already pretty much full. And this was still at least an hour earlier than we were supposed to be there. We began filling the area around the reflective pond and floods of people kept arriving from the march. Soon they were filling the mall below. Here is a scan of the crowd from under the Grant statue at the bottom of the Capitol lawn...
Even hours into the event, they would announce that the marchers were still coming down Pennsylvania Ave. At the rally, the speeches were excellent and the time seemed to fly by. A couple representatives of Georgia spoke including Rep. Tom Price. My favorite line of the day came from Rep. Mike Pence from Indiana. He said, "many people say the people here are astroturf, not Americans. After nine years of fighting runaway federal spending here on Capitol Hill... you people look like the calvary to me." Here is the full speech by Pence...
Before we knew it, the event was over. But not until after a historic gathering of fiscal conservatives met for one of the rare times in US history. See, conservatives aren't typically the type to go out and protest at some event. Usually, they are happy handling their responsibilities and caring for their families while just requesting that the government leave them alone. But in today's environment, many realize this utopia is no more, and we will have to take a stand if we want our children to realize the same country we have enjoyed our entire lives.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
LaGrange Patriots in Washington DC
We got to meet with Senator Chambliss and Senator Isakson from Georgia and present our petition that was signed by all of the Patriots in LaGrange!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Tea Party Success
I want to thank everyone who came out yesterday to our Tea Party in LaGrange. It was a great energetic crowd which we could best estimate between 2,500-3,000 people. The weather turned out perfect and we had a great event. All of the speakers were tremendous and thanks to all of the volunteers for making this possible. We will be uploading pictures and videos as quickly as possible. Here is a video of Jonathan Krohn giving one of the great speeches of the day...
Here is a video of Ray McBerry speaking as well...
Monday, September 7, 2009
Straight From The Heart
On 7 September 2009, a group of conservative citizens from LaGrange, Troup County, and surrounding areas came together on the square in LaGrange, Georgia. They were not only there as citizens, they were in one accord making a stand against an out of control government. It was omnipotent joy to hear the patriotism that was pervasive throughout the entire downtown area. I have been to tea parties in Atlanta and Cobb County but it is truly a special feeling when your hometown citizens are the ones participating. I believe without a doubt that the best weapon for achieving victory over an out of control government is to cast your vote and to become politically active. Do not become complacent and every opportunity you get keep firing missiles of truth at liberal lies. Today has been a pleasure. Amen!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Freedom To Facism
President Barak Obama has currently an estimated 32, so called "Czars." There have been former presidents which have utilized a few czars. But no other president has appointed so many czars. President Obama already has 15 advisors that are the heads of cabinet positions which could handle the responsibilities assigned to these czars.
So, why exactly does Obama need 32 czars appointed by him and accountable only to him and no one really knows or undedrstands what their responsibilities include. Some of the czars are more polemic in nature that others. One major conspiratorial aspect of these appointments is that there is no expectation of senate confirmation. It is as if a new secretive layer of bureaucracy has been added to the federal government. The czars have been given positional titles in order to give the illusionary effect of being legitimate entities. Secondly, just how much power will these aspirants wield. Would they just advise the president on issues or would they actually help formulate national policy or draft new legislation? Thirdly, because they are appointed by the president without scrunity will they eventually circumvent the constitutional authority of the United States Congress, possibly with impunity?
There are some czars that are of a higher profile than others. The first czar, so called advisor, is Van Jones, who by the time of this article rendered his resignation because of his controversial racist remarks. He was to be the "Green Czar" and his responsibilities were to create environmentally friendly jobs for low income inner city residents. In truth the jobs that would be created would primarily be low paying positions distributed to low income African-Americans. Wages to pay these individuals would come from industries in the form of higher taxes, especially if those businesses exceeded the amount of carbon emissions allowed within the piece of legislation known as "Cap and Trade." And if you did not know, Van Jones is a proclaimed communist.
Another czar that comes to mind is John Holdren, who was appointed as the Obama Aministrations Science Czar. Holdren probably would prefer to keep his agenda completely under wraps. His ideology from past resources conveys that he conducted studies in Eco-Science. Basically the concept behind this field of science is the belief that in order to save the economy everything must be "cost effective." Didn't we hear this term quite often over the health care issue. Included under this same umbrella, is the idea of bio-ethics. The ideology of bio-ethics is to make decisions as to which groups of people in American society should be allowed to live if they should happen to contract a serious illness. Young people would be the primary beneificiaries of bio-ethics. Because the logic that would prevail is that it is more cost effective to keep young people alive. That way society would recieve more productive working years from that particular group. It reminds me of that old cliche', "Cut your loses and move on!" Holdren has also supported the idea of depopulation. He even went so far as to conjure up a method that called for spiking the public water supplies in order to cause sterilization amongst the general population.
Mark Lloyd is the newly appointed diversity czar chosen to ensure that conservative talk radio and television programs provide equal time for opposing points of view from liberals. Lloyd would have to enforce this policy through what is called "localism". This would have to be carried out on the local level because the idea of another Fairness Doctrine would attract too much attention and create more cry and hue than the Obama Administration is willing to endure. So regulations by the FCC will be implemented at a low profile level. This method of modius operandi will allow the federal government to stifle any dissession from the conservative right so that they can carry out their dangerous agendas.
President Obama is incrementally disassembling the federal government. His ultimate objective is to establish the national government as a religious sort of entity so that he can gain power for himself and his cronies. The actions that he has taken only after 200 days in office is unprecedented in the history of the United States. Conservatives really should not listen so much as to what Obama says as to what he does.
So, why exactly does Obama need 32 czars appointed by him and accountable only to him and no one really knows or undedrstands what their responsibilities include. Some of the czars are more polemic in nature that others. One major conspiratorial aspect of these appointments is that there is no expectation of senate confirmation. It is as if a new secretive layer of bureaucracy has been added to the federal government. The czars have been given positional titles in order to give the illusionary effect of being legitimate entities. Secondly, just how much power will these aspirants wield. Would they just advise the president on issues or would they actually help formulate national policy or draft new legislation? Thirdly, because they are appointed by the president without scrunity will they eventually circumvent the constitutional authority of the United States Congress, possibly with impunity?
There are some czars that are of a higher profile than others. The first czar, so called advisor, is Van Jones, who by the time of this article rendered his resignation because of his controversial racist remarks. He was to be the "Green Czar" and his responsibilities were to create environmentally friendly jobs for low income inner city residents. In truth the jobs that would be created would primarily be low paying positions distributed to low income African-Americans. Wages to pay these individuals would come from industries in the form of higher taxes, especially if those businesses exceeded the amount of carbon emissions allowed within the piece of legislation known as "Cap and Trade." And if you did not know, Van Jones is a proclaimed communist.
Another czar that comes to mind is John Holdren, who was appointed as the Obama Aministrations Science Czar. Holdren probably would prefer to keep his agenda completely under wraps. His ideology from past resources conveys that he conducted studies in Eco-Science. Basically the concept behind this field of science is the belief that in order to save the economy everything must be "cost effective." Didn't we hear this term quite often over the health care issue. Included under this same umbrella, is the idea of bio-ethics. The ideology of bio-ethics is to make decisions as to which groups of people in American society should be allowed to live if they should happen to contract a serious illness. Young people would be the primary beneificiaries of bio-ethics. Because the logic that would prevail is that it is more cost effective to keep young people alive. That way society would recieve more productive working years from that particular group. It reminds me of that old cliche', "Cut your loses and move on!" Holdren has also supported the idea of depopulation. He even went so far as to conjure up a method that called for spiking the public water supplies in order to cause sterilization amongst the general population.
Mark Lloyd is the newly appointed diversity czar chosen to ensure that conservative talk radio and television programs provide equal time for opposing points of view from liberals. Lloyd would have to enforce this policy through what is called "localism". This would have to be carried out on the local level because the idea of another Fairness Doctrine would attract too much attention and create more cry and hue than the Obama Administration is willing to endure. So regulations by the FCC will be implemented at a low profile level. This method of modius operandi will allow the federal government to stifle any dissession from the conservative right so that they can carry out their dangerous agendas.
President Obama is incrementally disassembling the federal government. His ultimate objective is to establish the national government as a religious sort of entity so that he can gain power for himself and his cronies. The actions that he has taken only after 200 days in office is unprecedented in the history of the United States. Conservatives really should not listen so much as to what Obama says as to what he does.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
LaGrange Patriot T-Shirts
We have LaGrange Patriot T-Shirts available now for $10 each. You may have already seen them around the area.
If you would like to get one before the Labor Day Tea Party on Monday, send me a message using the "Contact Me" link on the right with your contact info, and I will try to get one to you early. Otherwise, they will be for sale at the event on Monday. There are also yard signs available for $5 each.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Synopsis of Organizations Behind The Obama Adminstration
The following is a simple illustration of the liberal organizations which support the transformation of America as we know it. There are several leftist groups that have found a portal through which to fundamentally change the basic fabric on which this country was established. These organizations use window dressing to appear as legitimate entities with good intentions. The intent of this article is to educate average American citizens, especially those which consider themselves to be conservatives, about some of the hidden activities they have been involved in and to also expose what agendas in which they are involved.
This article will cover Health Care for America Now (HCAN), Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), and the Apollo Alliance. Let's analyze each group in the order in which they are mentioned above.
First, there is Health Care for America Now, commonly called HCAN. HCAN states that their goal is to afford all citizens with health coverage at affordable prices and to ensure quality health care and also provide choice. The website for HCAN states, "Our government health care system in America is not affordable health care for everyone in America and it must play a central role in regulating, financing, and provide health coverage". There are approximately seventeen enumerated powers that the United States Constitution requires that the federal government provide for it's citizens and it does not say anything to the effect that everyone is entitled to health care coverage on the tax payers dime. There are those that interpret the constitution loosely that will argue that providing national health care for all citizens falls within the "general welfare" clause. The Founding Fathers did not mean that welfare meant offering everyone medical care. In a letter from Margarida Jorge of HCAN, dated August 4, 2009, she states, "that right-wing activists have been targeting Members of Congress and President Obama". In her words she states," that in the August recess that the "tea-baggers" are showing up in large numbers in an attempt to be as disruptive as possible in the hopes of rattling Members of Congress". Jorge then goes on to give detailed instructions as to how to confront and control any meetings where people that oppose Obamas health care legislation may be protesting.
Secondly, there is the Service Employees International Union. Barak Obama actually helped the local 880 of the SEIU in Chicago, Illinois when he was a community organizer during his activists years. Obama actually assisted SEIU achieve their leftist radical agenda for big unions. Obama promised a card check initiative and free health care if he won the presidency. SEIU pledged $80 million to the Democrats and Obama recieved $27 million. The Service Employees International Union made all employees pay union dues to support its left-wing agendas even if they did not agree with them. In New York the local 1199, chapter of the SEIU, supported Obama. George Soros has contributed millions of dollars through SEIU by way of his organization America Coming Together. Obama appointed former SEIU members to his cabinet, former Kansas Governor Kathlen Seblius as the Health and Human Services Secretary and Hilda Solis as the Secretary of Labor. All of the illegal political activities in which SEIU has been involved in has been to ensure that its progressive reforms succeed and one way that they have achieved this is by getting Barak Obama elected to the oval office.
The third organization which supported Obama is the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. ACORN, which it is commonly referred, has been associated with Obama during his years as a community organizer in Chicago. ACORN quite often works with SEIU in political activists ventures. President Obama directly trained leaders for ACORN. Volunteers helped him during his campaign. Terrorist William Ayers of the Weather Underground provided financial assistance to Obamas campaign. ACORN which is a non-profit organization received more than 40 percent of its money from tax payers. Members f ACORN were paid to register new voters for the 2008 presidential election. On many occasions they registered the same person multiple times. They registered dead people to vote. And if that don't beat all they registered Mickey Mouse to vote. I wonder since ACORN supported Barak Obama, who do you think reaped the benefits of all of those new voters that actually counted. ACORN and SEIU have been involved in such activities as intimidation, voter fraud, and deceitful economic practices such as embezzlement in order to get their leftist political agendas implemented. ACORN has also been chosen to conduct the 2010 U.S. Census. How will they use the information obtained through the census in order to further their future goals?
Another Obama supporting organization is the Apollo Alliance. The Apollo Alliance is suppose to create so called green collar jobs which are environmentally friendly. The organization states that some of its primary objectives is to reduce carbon emissions and oil imports, grow domestic jobs, and strengthen the American economy. But there is more than meets the eye here. The Apollo Alliance actually created the stimulus bill of $700 billion. It received $500 billion to implement its stated programs. The Apollo Alliance persuaded the Obama Administration to create the legislation referred to as "Cap and Trade", as part of its effort to reduce carbon emissions. This process would tax industries and require them to pay taxes on the emission of carbon into the environment. This additional tax would force some industries to close down and people would loose jobs. In a nutshell, this is an effort to kill capitalism, which is one of the ultimate goals of the organizations that support President Obama and bring about, so called, social justice.
I think by now you understand why the current administration with the support of these liberal organizations mentioned above will destroy America that we know and love. The Obama Adminsitration and all of those that are trying to ram their leftist agendas down Americans throats is nothing more than radicals who would love to see America become a socialist country. At the very least being associated with these organizations is criminal within itself. To demonstrate just how the Obama Adminstration utilizes sleight of had tactics, I will feature a future article about the newest level of bureaucracy, "The Czars", of the current White House.
This article will cover Health Care for America Now (HCAN), Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), and the Apollo Alliance. Let's analyze each group in the order in which they are mentioned above.
First, there is Health Care for America Now, commonly called HCAN. HCAN states that their goal is to afford all citizens with health coverage at affordable prices and to ensure quality health care and also provide choice. The website for HCAN states, "Our government health care system in America is not affordable health care for everyone in America and it must play a central role in regulating, financing, and provide health coverage". There are approximately seventeen enumerated powers that the United States Constitution requires that the federal government provide for it's citizens and it does not say anything to the effect that everyone is entitled to health care coverage on the tax payers dime. There are those that interpret the constitution loosely that will argue that providing national health care for all citizens falls within the "general welfare" clause. The Founding Fathers did not mean that welfare meant offering everyone medical care. In a letter from Margarida Jorge of HCAN, dated August 4, 2009, she states, "that right-wing activists have been targeting Members of Congress and President Obama". In her words she states," that in the August recess that the "tea-baggers" are showing up in large numbers in an attempt to be as disruptive as possible in the hopes of rattling Members of Congress". Jorge then goes on to give detailed instructions as to how to confront and control any meetings where people that oppose Obamas health care legislation may be protesting.
Secondly, there is the Service Employees International Union. Barak Obama actually helped the local 880 of the SEIU in Chicago, Illinois when he was a community organizer during his activists years. Obama actually assisted SEIU achieve their leftist radical agenda for big unions. Obama promised a card check initiative and free health care if he won the presidency. SEIU pledged $80 million to the Democrats and Obama recieved $27 million. The Service Employees International Union made all employees pay union dues to support its left-wing agendas even if they did not agree with them. In New York the local 1199, chapter of the SEIU, supported Obama. George Soros has contributed millions of dollars through SEIU by way of his organization America Coming Together. Obama appointed former SEIU members to his cabinet, former Kansas Governor Kathlen Seblius as the Health and Human Services Secretary and Hilda Solis as the Secretary of Labor. All of the illegal political activities in which SEIU has been involved in has been to ensure that its progressive reforms succeed and one way that they have achieved this is by getting Barak Obama elected to the oval office.
The third organization which supported Obama is the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. ACORN, which it is commonly referred, has been associated with Obama during his years as a community organizer in Chicago. ACORN quite often works with SEIU in political activists ventures. President Obama directly trained leaders for ACORN. Volunteers helped him during his campaign. Terrorist William Ayers of the Weather Underground provided financial assistance to Obamas campaign. ACORN which is a non-profit organization received more than 40 percent of its money from tax payers. Members f ACORN were paid to register new voters for the 2008 presidential election. On many occasions they registered the same person multiple times. They registered dead people to vote. And if that don't beat all they registered Mickey Mouse to vote. I wonder since ACORN supported Barak Obama, who do you think reaped the benefits of all of those new voters that actually counted. ACORN and SEIU have been involved in such activities as intimidation, voter fraud, and deceitful economic practices such as embezzlement in order to get their leftist political agendas implemented. ACORN has also been chosen to conduct the 2010 U.S. Census. How will they use the information obtained through the census in order to further their future goals?
Another Obama supporting organization is the Apollo Alliance. The Apollo Alliance is suppose to create so called green collar jobs which are environmentally friendly. The organization states that some of its primary objectives is to reduce carbon emissions and oil imports, grow domestic jobs, and strengthen the American economy. But there is more than meets the eye here. The Apollo Alliance actually created the stimulus bill of $700 billion. It received $500 billion to implement its stated programs. The Apollo Alliance persuaded the Obama Administration to create the legislation referred to as "Cap and Trade", as part of its effort to reduce carbon emissions. This process would tax industries and require them to pay taxes on the emission of carbon into the environment. This additional tax would force some industries to close down and people would loose jobs. In a nutshell, this is an effort to kill capitalism, which is one of the ultimate goals of the organizations that support President Obama and bring about, so called, social justice.
I think by now you understand why the current administration with the support of these liberal organizations mentioned above will destroy America that we know and love. The Obama Adminsitration and all of those that are trying to ram their leftist agendas down Americans throats is nothing more than radicals who would love to see America become a socialist country. At the very least being associated with these organizations is criminal within itself. To demonstrate just how the Obama Adminstration utilizes sleight of had tactics, I will feature a future article about the newest level of bureaucracy, "The Czars", of the current White House.
Banned Commercial
Want to hear the true outcome of socialized healthcare? NBC and ABC refused to air this commercial after ABC gave the Obama administration a full one hour infomercial to promote their plan.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Americans For Prosperity
One of the great organizations that will be represented at our Labor Day Tea Party is the Americans for Prosperity group. They are on the front lines fighting for tax cuts, reduced spending, support for entrepreneurship, and restraints on judicial activism. Like our group, they are a true grass roots organization made up of citizen activists from around the country. Check out their website at which is full of educational information on critical issues facing us today.
In Georgia, the state director is Virginia Galloway. She has been part of many Tea Parties around the state and has been a great advocate for our cause. The state website can be located here.
Here is a great clip of Virginia speaking at the Middle Georgia Tea Party in Macon.
In Georgia, the state director is Virginia Galloway. She has been part of many Tea Parties around the state and has been a great advocate for our cause. The state website can be located here.
Here is a great clip of Virginia speaking at the Middle Georgia Tea Party in Macon.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Tea Party Speaker
We are excited to announce that we will have several excellent speakers at our Tea Party on Labor Day. The full list includes Ellen Gilmore, Ray McBerry, Bryan Miller, Danny Daniel, Josh McKoon, Marty Harbin, Melvin Everson, and Jonathan Krohn.
For those of you who do not recognize the name, Jonathan Krohn is a nationally recognized speaker and a prodigy who wrote his first book at the age of 13. He has appeared on numerous national television shows and received a standing ovation when he spoke last year at CPAC in Washington DC.
Krohn at CPAC
Krohn on Fox & Friends
For those of you who do not recognize the name, Jonathan Krohn is a nationally recognized speaker and a prodigy who wrote his first book at the age of 13. He has appeared on numerous national television shows and received a standing ovation when he spoke last year at CPAC in Washington DC.
Krohn at CPAC
Krohn on Fox & Friends
Clark Howard's Opinion on Government Spending
Our own local Clark Howard has written an article related to his views on the current spending of our government. The full article can be found here. He reports that the government is expecting $9 trillion in additional borrowing. That is an additional $30,000 for every man, woman, and child in this country.
Clark sums the issue up very well, "So know this: The promises from both sides of the aisle about what government can do for you are not possible. The cumulative effect is that we will end up poorer, not better off."
Where will it stop?
Clark sums the issue up very well, "So know this: The promises from both sides of the aisle about what government can do for you are not possible. The cumulative effect is that we will end up poorer, not better off."
Where will it stop?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Intellect Of A Liberal
A man in a car was on a business trip when he realized he must have made a wrong turn and got lost. He stopped at a residence along the way and stated to the owner if he could tell him where he was. The owner took out his Global Positioning System and said you are currently 20 miles off course. The owner proceeded to explain to the traveler that he needed to go back 20 miles in the opposite direction, turn left at the first traffic light, and then drive another hour and that he would arrive at the location he was searching for. The traveler stated to the homeowner, "You must be a Conservative." The homeowner asked the traveler, "How did you know that?" The traveler stated," Everything you have told me is correct." But I have no idea how to follow the directions you have given me." The homeowner responded that you must be a Liberal. The traveler said, "How did you know? The homeowner said, "Well, you don't know where you are or where you are going." "You still would not know even if I personally escorted you to your destination." "You want me to solve your problem and you are still lost even after I tell you the right directions, and somehow I believe that you think it is my fault that you are lost in the first place."
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Member Meeting
We will be having a Member Meeting for everyone that has joined LaGrange Patriots or is interested in joining. The steering committee and committee chairs will be presenting progress reports to keep you informed on our current status. Many of you have been able to get involved as volunteers and many others will be needed before or during the actual event.
Date and Time : August 20th at 6:00pm
Location : Hoofer’s on Hogansville Rd.
Who is Invited : Any concerned citizens!
Food : We will be selling hot dog plates for $5 including chips, dessert, and drink.
RSVP : Please email us (by using the contact us link on the right) if you can come so we can estimate a count. But everyone can come even without RSVP.
We will have LaGrange Patriot T-Shirts for sale at the event for $10 each. This a great promotional opportunity if everyone wears these shirts before the event!
Remember, we can’t have a successful Tea Party without YOU!
Date and Time : August 20th at 6:00pm
Location : Hoofer’s on Hogansville Rd.
Who is Invited : Any concerned citizens!
Food : We will be selling hot dog plates for $5 including chips, dessert, and drink.
RSVP : Please email us (by using the contact us link on the right) if you can come so we can estimate a count. But everyone can come even without RSVP.
We will have LaGrange Patriot T-Shirts for sale at the event for $10 each. This a great promotional opportunity if everyone wears these shirts before the event!
Remember, we can’t have a successful Tea Party without YOU!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Obamacare: The Ultimate Act of Deception
In September senators and representatives will return to Washington D.C. where more than likely, they will take a vote on some degree of universal health care. President Barak Obama has already stated that he will get nationalized health care passed. Fortunately, Americans have began to wake up and take notice that Obamacare is really a goat in sheeps clothing. His ulterior motive is to implement an extreme measure of progressiveness in order to expand government control in every aspect of your life. What better way to carry out his agenda than through healthcare and economics. If the leftist can gain control of approximately 1/6th of the economy by spending one trillion dollars, possibly more, on health care alone they will be able to restructure the fundmental basic structure of society in the United States. Obamas health care plan is a well calculated attack. There is more to it than meets the eye.
If the legislation that Obama wants passes or even closley resembles the current 1018 page bill, Americans will loose five basic freedoms that they currently enjoy within a competitive free market insurance industry. Americans will not be able to choose their personal health plans, even though Obama still attempts to insist that they will. Because the private insurance companies will not be able to compete with a government ran health care program. Reason being is that the federal government does not have to make a profit. Eventually private health insurance companies would go out of business. Under nationalized health care individuals would only be given a choice of minimal benefits once placed on the government program. Secondly, People will not be paid for healthy life styles. The government will still charge the same rates regardless of how a person lives. In other words the plan and the premiums would be one size fits all. Thirdly, you would not be allowed to select coverages with high deductables in order to lower your premiums. Fourthly, Americans would not be able to keep their existing health care plan if it is offered by their place of employment. Employers will figure out that it is more cost effective to just let the government handle providing insurance and not have to be inconvenienced. The fifth freedom that Americans would relinquish would be the right to choose their own doctors. Believe me, if the government is paying for your treatment they will select which doctor you see.
But issues in the healthcare bill, which are truly troubling, are in the realm of the amount of power the federal government would have over individuals. All medical treatments would not be under the umbrella of doctor-patient privilege. All medical treatments will be tracked electronically by the federal government. Confidentiality will in essence be non-exsistant. For example, if a person had a particular diagnosis that may have a detrimental impact on their lives what would happen if that information got out. We already know how inefficient the government has been at managing Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
Doctors would be disenfranchise because the federal government would dictate what types of treatments could be dispensed. If a certain treament was experimental or costly the government could just simply deny the treatment if the patient was not considered valuable enough to save. Remember the main two objectives of this health care legislation is power for the government and cost effectiveness. The United States has always been the leader in new medicines and technology and that is why we have the best medical treatment in the world. Physicians would more than likely leave the medical practice when some beaureaucrat in Washington D.C. controls what their salary will be. If a person goes to college, medical school, and completes their residency they have to work for a lengthy period of time to pay off their educational loans. There is already a shortage of doctors. What would be the incentive to either keep practicing mediine or to even consider it as a career. That is why they need the amount of money they charge for their services.
Finally, how will senior citizens and very the young been be treated under Obamacare? Well first of all senior citizens will be required to meet with medical counsel every five years to discuss end of life issues. Other than power and control, what justifiable reasons can the government fabricate in order to be involved in such intimate personal decisions. Once senior citizens attain a certain age and the government proclaims that they have exceeded their productive years medical treatment could be denied because it is not considered cost effective. Will the government be able to decide if when a baby is born if they are worth keeping alive. It amazes me that any human being, besides a qualified doctor, with any conscience at all, can actually decide who lives and who dies by denying treatment because it is not cost effective and they are not valuable enough to save. A covert form of euthanasia would be allowable as a part of Obamas healthcare plan. The question of abortions paid for legally with taxpayer money is also a definite issue that needs to be addressed. Without a doubt the amount of spending that is necessary to sustain the money needed to have healthcare for everyone will result in higher taxes and the rationing of treatment regardless of what Mr. Obama wants you to believe. Most major polls convey that most Americans rate the health insurance plan they already have as good or excellent.
If the legislation that Obama wants passes or even closley resembles the current 1018 page bill, Americans will loose five basic freedoms that they currently enjoy within a competitive free market insurance industry. Americans will not be able to choose their personal health plans, even though Obama still attempts to insist that they will. Because the private insurance companies will not be able to compete with a government ran health care program. Reason being is that the federal government does not have to make a profit. Eventually private health insurance companies would go out of business. Under nationalized health care individuals would only be given a choice of minimal benefits once placed on the government program. Secondly, People will not be paid for healthy life styles. The government will still charge the same rates regardless of how a person lives. In other words the plan and the premiums would be one size fits all. Thirdly, you would not be allowed to select coverages with high deductables in order to lower your premiums. Fourthly, Americans would not be able to keep their existing health care plan if it is offered by their place of employment. Employers will figure out that it is more cost effective to just let the government handle providing insurance and not have to be inconvenienced. The fifth freedom that Americans would relinquish would be the right to choose their own doctors. Believe me, if the government is paying for your treatment they will select which doctor you see.
But issues in the healthcare bill, which are truly troubling, are in the realm of the amount of power the federal government would have over individuals. All medical treatments would not be under the umbrella of doctor-patient privilege. All medical treatments will be tracked electronically by the federal government. Confidentiality will in essence be non-exsistant. For example, if a person had a particular diagnosis that may have a detrimental impact on their lives what would happen if that information got out. We already know how inefficient the government has been at managing Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
Doctors would be disenfranchise because the federal government would dictate what types of treatments could be dispensed. If a certain treament was experimental or costly the government could just simply deny the treatment if the patient was not considered valuable enough to save. Remember the main two objectives of this health care legislation is power for the government and cost effectiveness. The United States has always been the leader in new medicines and technology and that is why we have the best medical treatment in the world. Physicians would more than likely leave the medical practice when some beaureaucrat in Washington D.C. controls what their salary will be. If a person goes to college, medical school, and completes their residency they have to work for a lengthy period of time to pay off their educational loans. There is already a shortage of doctors. What would be the incentive to either keep practicing mediine or to even consider it as a career. That is why they need the amount of money they charge for their services.
Finally, how will senior citizens and very the young been be treated under Obamacare? Well first of all senior citizens will be required to meet with medical counsel every five years to discuss end of life issues. Other than power and control, what justifiable reasons can the government fabricate in order to be involved in such intimate personal decisions. Once senior citizens attain a certain age and the government proclaims that they have exceeded their productive years medical treatment could be denied because it is not considered cost effective. Will the government be able to decide if when a baby is born if they are worth keeping alive. It amazes me that any human being, besides a qualified doctor, with any conscience at all, can actually decide who lives and who dies by denying treatment because it is not cost effective and they are not valuable enough to save. A covert form of euthanasia would be allowable as a part of Obamas healthcare plan. The question of abortions paid for legally with taxpayer money is also a definite issue that needs to be addressed. Without a doubt the amount of spending that is necessary to sustain the money needed to have healthcare for everyone will result in higher taxes and the rationing of treatment regardless of what Mr. Obama wants you to believe. Most major polls convey that most Americans rate the health insurance plan they already have as good or excellent.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Keep Up the Pressure
Now more than ever it is important to keep up pressure on our representatives to respect our wishes and end the march to socialized medicine. Proponents of the health care plan have pulled out every trick in the book accusing opponents of being organized by insurance companies and forming unruly mobs. Democrat's accusations of "Astroturf" imply falsified grass roots efforts by opponents.
There is nothing more grass roots and real than the current drive of the various Tea Party groups. For example, the LaGrange Patriots started as a simple group of concerned citizens tired of the direction of our country. We were not formed by nationwide conservative groups or insurance companies. The Patriots have continued to grow as we encounter more and more people fed up and offering to do anything they can to help with our effort.
An article in today's Atlanta Journal talks about the fears of Democratic representatives as they go back to their districts for local town hall meetings. Of course the mainstream media is playing up reports of threats and violence at these events so it is very important to remain respectful while still firm if you attend a town hall. But it is important that we show up in force to demonstrate that we do not want this legislation.
Here is a list of Georgia town halls meeting from the AJC article. Please do whatever you can to attend one or more of these events.
Scheduled meetings
Several of Georgia’s congressmen have already held town hall meetings, leaving only a few with sessions to come.
District 1: Jack Kingston (R-Savannah) -- Has held nine meetings to date. No more planned.
District 2: Sanford Bishop (D-Columbus)
Aug. 19, 8:30 a.m. at National Infantry Museum in Columbus.
Aug. 19, 4 p.m. at Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley.
Aug. 20, 10 a.m. at Kirbo Regional Center in Bainbridge.
Aug. 20, 4 p.m. at Albany State University, Albany.
District 3: Lynn Westmoreland (R-Grantville) -- Staff says meetings being planned, but no dates yet.
District 4: Hank Johnson (D-Decatur)
Monday, 7 p.m. at Georgia Perimeter College (Cole Auditorium), 555 North Indian Creek Dr., Clarkston.
District 5: John Lewis (D-Atlanta) -- Has held one meeting. No more planned.
District 6: Tom Price (R-Roswell) -- Has held one meeting. No more planned.
District 7: John Linder (R-Duluth)
Thursday, 10 a.m. at Piedmont Regional Library, 189 Bell View St., Winder.
Thursday, 5 p.m. at Suwanee Library, 361 Main St., Suwanee.
Aug. 19, 10 a.m. at Monroe- Walton Library, 217 West Spring St., Monroe.
Aug. 19, 1 p.m. at Covington Library, 7116 Floyd Road, Covington.
District 8: Jim Marshall (D-Macon) -- Staff says meetings being planned, but no dates yet.
District 9: Nathan Deal (R-Gainesville) -- Staff says meetings being planned, but no dates yet.
District 10: Paul Broun (R-Athens)
Monday, 6 p.m. at Columbia Co. Board of Education, Evans.
Tuesday, 6 p.m. at North Georgia Technical College, Clarksville.
District 11: Phil Gingrey (R-Marietta) -- Staff says meetings being planned, but no dates yet.
District 12: John Barrow (D-Savannah) -- Staff says meetings being planned, but no dates yet.
District 13: David Scott (D-Atlanta) -- Aug. 15, 10 a.m. at Mundy’s Mill High School, 9652 Fayetteville Road, Jonesboro.
There is nothing more grass roots and real than the current drive of the various Tea Party groups. For example, the LaGrange Patriots started as a simple group of concerned citizens tired of the direction of our country. We were not formed by nationwide conservative groups or insurance companies. The Patriots have continued to grow as we encounter more and more people fed up and offering to do anything they can to help with our effort.
An article in today's Atlanta Journal talks about the fears of Democratic representatives as they go back to their districts for local town hall meetings. Of course the mainstream media is playing up reports of threats and violence at these events so it is very important to remain respectful while still firm if you attend a town hall. But it is important that we show up in force to demonstrate that we do not want this legislation.
Here is a list of Georgia town halls meeting from the AJC article. Please do whatever you can to attend one or more of these events.
Scheduled meetings
Several of Georgia’s congressmen have already held town hall meetings, leaving only a few with sessions to come.
District 1: Jack Kingston (R-Savannah) -- Has held nine meetings to date. No more planned.
District 2: Sanford Bishop (D-Columbus)
Aug. 19, 8:30 a.m. at National Infantry Museum in Columbus.
Aug. 19, 4 p.m. at Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley.
Aug. 20, 10 a.m. at Kirbo Regional Center in Bainbridge.
Aug. 20, 4 p.m. at Albany State University, Albany.
District 3: Lynn Westmoreland (R-Grantville) -- Staff says meetings being planned, but no dates yet.
District 4: Hank Johnson (D-Decatur)
Monday, 7 p.m. at Georgia Perimeter College (Cole Auditorium), 555 North Indian Creek Dr., Clarkston.
District 5: John Lewis (D-Atlanta) -- Has held one meeting. No more planned.
District 6: Tom Price (R-Roswell) -- Has held one meeting. No more planned.
District 7: John Linder (R-Duluth)
Thursday, 10 a.m. at Piedmont Regional Library, 189 Bell View St., Winder.
Thursday, 5 p.m. at Suwanee Library, 361 Main St., Suwanee.
Aug. 19, 10 a.m. at Monroe- Walton Library, 217 West Spring St., Monroe.
Aug. 19, 1 p.m. at Covington Library, 7116 Floyd Road, Covington.
District 8: Jim Marshall (D-Macon) -- Staff says meetings being planned, but no dates yet.
District 9: Nathan Deal (R-Gainesville) -- Staff says meetings being planned, but no dates yet.
District 10: Paul Broun (R-Athens)
Monday, 6 p.m. at Columbia Co. Board of Education, Evans.
Tuesday, 6 p.m. at North Georgia Technical College, Clarksville.
District 11: Phil Gingrey (R-Marietta) -- Staff says meetings being planned, but no dates yet.
District 12: John Barrow (D-Savannah) -- Staff says meetings being planned, but no dates yet.
District 13: David Scott (D-Atlanta) -- Aug. 15, 10 a.m. at Mundy’s Mill High School, 9652 Fayetteville Road, Jonesboro.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Right to Bear Arms
The following essay in my series "The Founding Fathers and the U.S. Constitution," delberates as to what the founding fathers original intentions were in the second amendment. There have been several U.S. Supreme Court decisions with regard to the interpretation of the second amendment.
The Second Amendment states:
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state,
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
This issue has been discussed and debated since the writing of the Constitution. There appears to be no definitive decision. There has always been the age old question as to whether or not the Founding Fathers were stating that only a state militia or National Guard, meaning states rights, could possess firearms or did they mean that individual citizens could own firearms, meaning individual rights.
The U.S. Supreme Court decisions with regard to the possession of firearms has been elusive to say the least. Second Amendment decisions have covered the spectrum according to which court was hearing the argument. Some courts have stated that the second amendment provides protection to militias for the defense of the state and other court opinions have interpreted the amendment as protection for the private citizen to own a firearm for the purpose of self-defense.
The most current U.S. Supreme Court decision in reference to the possession, transporation, and selling of firearms was established by the John Roberts Court. In a case entitled, District of Columbia v. Heller case number: 07-290. The decision states that the District of Columbia's prohibition on the possession of usable handguns in the home violates the second amendment of the U.S. Constitution, as does its prohibition against rendering any lawful firearm in the home operable for the purpose of mmediate self-defense. The second amendment protects the individuals right to possess a firearm unnconnected with service in a militia, and use that firearm for traditional lawful purposes such as self-defense.
At least for the time being the right to bear arms as an individual is upheld to be constitutional. If the Obama Administration and the United States Attorney General Eric Holder are able to make their ideological beliefs pervasive throughout the three branches of government there could possibly be a time in which the current court decision could be reversed. More than likely there is no panacea to resolve this issue in the forseeable future.
The Second Amendment states:
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state,
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
This issue has been discussed and debated since the writing of the Constitution. There appears to be no definitive decision. There has always been the age old question as to whether or not the Founding Fathers were stating that only a state militia or National Guard, meaning states rights, could possess firearms or did they mean that individual citizens could own firearms, meaning individual rights.
The U.S. Supreme Court decisions with regard to the possession of firearms has been elusive to say the least. Second Amendment decisions have covered the spectrum according to which court was hearing the argument. Some courts have stated that the second amendment provides protection to militias for the defense of the state and other court opinions have interpreted the amendment as protection for the private citizen to own a firearm for the purpose of self-defense.
The most current U.S. Supreme Court decision in reference to the possession, transporation, and selling of firearms was established by the John Roberts Court. In a case entitled, District of Columbia v. Heller case number: 07-290. The decision states that the District of Columbia's prohibition on the possession of usable handguns in the home violates the second amendment of the U.S. Constitution, as does its prohibition against rendering any lawful firearm in the home operable for the purpose of mmediate self-defense. The second amendment protects the individuals right to possess a firearm unnconnected with service in a militia, and use that firearm for traditional lawful purposes such as self-defense.
At least for the time being the right to bear arms as an individual is upheld to be constitutional. If the Obama Administration and the United States Attorney General Eric Holder are able to make their ideological beliefs pervasive throughout the three branches of government there could possibly be a time in which the current court decision could be reversed. More than likely there is no panacea to resolve this issue in the forseeable future.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
GA Rep. Tom Price View on Health Care Plan
Please watch this excellent summation of the new Health Care Plan by Georgia Rep. Tom Price who is by the way a former physician.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
U.S. Constitution and the Founding Fathers
During the upcoming days I will be writing a series of essays about the first ten amendments, also known as the “Bill of Rights.” I will discuss what the Founding Fathers were trying to convey in each amendment beginning with the first amendment which states:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The first amendment is important because it places constraints on the federal government in order to keep its powers in check and protect the people’s rights from being abused by bureaucratic usurpations. The first amendment guarantees basically five individual rights that all citizens cannot be deprived of.
The first right addressed is the restrictions placed on the limits of the national government with regard to religious freedom. It states, Congress shall make NO law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibit the free exercise thereof. That means that the government will not create an official state or national religion. It also says that the government will not interfere in a citizen’s right to practice their beliefs.
In 1802, Thomas Jefferson spoke in front of the Danbury Baptist Association and he made the following statement: “The Constitution has created a wall of separation between church and state.” Up until Jefferson’s statement there was no question as to the role of religion as it pertains to the government. After that point the U.S. Supreme Court misconstrued what the actual meaning was with regard to religion. Providing equal treatment of all religions was meant to be a state responsibility, not a federal government function. The U.S. Supreme Court began to interfere with issues of religion when the Constitution strictly forbids this kind of action. The Constitution does not keep religion out of the government; it keeps the government out of religion.
The second issue that the first amendment covers is the issue of “freedom of speech.” This part allows citizens to be able to have the liberty to express their complaints publicly with regard to issues involving their government. It helps the people not to be fearful of persecution by government entities that do not agree with the ideas of the citizenry. Written expression is also covered within the amendment by including freedom of the press which protects the media. Thirdly, citizens are afforded protection against repercussions when they gather as a collective group in order to protest or demonstrate their dissatisfaction with the government about certain concerns or grievances.
The first amendment allows for a great deal of liberty within the realms of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition of grievances but citizens cannot legally exercise these constitutional rights to the point of anarchy. This amendment is a useful tool for balancing both conveniency and inconveniency of individual freedoms and rights. In my upcoming series on the Bill of Rights, I will deliberate next on what the Founding Fathers meant in the Second Amendment.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Support Our Cause!
We’ve made some great progress in our efforts to create a Tea Party in LaGrange that grabs the attention of our elected officials. Though our numbers may be small compared to larger markets, remember the words of founding father Samuel Adams, “It does not take a majority to prevail. Just an irate, tireless minority, setting brushfires in people’s minds.”
But we have so much farther to go. We are realizing at this point that we will definitely need additional funding to continue moving forward with our efforts. Signs, posters, t-shirts, insurance, advertising, and all the other miscellaneous expenses require support from concerned members of the community like yourself.
We have attempted to make donations as simple as possible for anyone who wants to give. If you would like to contribute, simply follow the instructions on the left hand panel of the website. (Though we are a non-profit organization, your donations are NOT tax deductible)
Please donate and support our efforts. We need to make a difference in this country, and we can with your help.
Don’t forgot to invite everyone you know to the LaGrange Square on Labor Day as we continue to take our country back.
But we have so much farther to go. We are realizing at this point that we will definitely need additional funding to continue moving forward with our efforts. Signs, posters, t-shirts, insurance, advertising, and all the other miscellaneous expenses require support from concerned members of the community like yourself.
We have attempted to make donations as simple as possible for anyone who wants to give. If you would like to contribute, simply follow the instructions on the left hand panel of the website. (Though we are a non-profit organization, your donations are NOT tax deductible)
Please donate and support our efforts. We need to make a difference in this country, and we can with your help.
Don’t forgot to invite everyone you know to the LaGrange Square on Labor Day as we continue to take our country back.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Health Care Town Hall
A partner Tea Party group in Columbus has put together a Health Care Town Hall meeting. Here are all the details...
I am pleased to announce that we have now set up a town hall on health care to provide information to our area. This will have the following format: each panelist will have approximately 4 minutes to present their information about the health care legislation passing through Congress. Then the program will be opened to attendees to ask questions. Questions may be directed at a particular panelist, or to the panel at large. Our panelists will include two physicians (an ophthalmologist and a hospitalist), an attorney and an independent insurance company president. We may have a third physician, but this may not be certain until the last day or two prior.
Where: Columbus Main Library in the auditorium, 3000 Macon Road
When: Thursday, July 30th, 6:00-7:30 PM EDT We have reserved the library room starting at 5:30 and until 8 PM closing.
Seating will be limited to 120 attendees. If you plan to attend, please email me so that I can keep track of our member response. I do not want people to make the trip and there is no room available. If you are attending and would like to present a question, please email your question. We would like to have some questions to begin lining up people who wish to participate in the question and answer period..
What I hope will work out for this event, and I will know on Monday, is that I have been in discussions with WRBL- TV about increasing the dissemination of our program. We are meeting at the library on Monday to determine if a live video stream could be set up for the town hall. This would mean our entire town hall would be available at their website for real time viewing. I will send an email to the volunteers assisting at the event if we do this webcast, so that we can plan how we handle the questions and provide assistance to those attending.
Sandy Toth
I am pleased to announce that we have now set up a town hall on health care to provide information to our area. This will have the following format: each panelist will have approximately 4 minutes to present their information about the health care legislation passing through Congress. Then the program will be opened to attendees to ask questions. Questions may be directed at a particular panelist, or to the panel at large. Our panelists will include two physicians (an ophthalmologist and a hospitalist), an attorney and an independent insurance company president. We may have a third physician, but this may not be certain until the last day or two prior.
Where: Columbus Main Library in the auditorium, 3000 Macon Road
When: Thursday, July 30th, 6:00-7:30 PM EDT We have reserved the library room starting at 5:30 and until 8 PM closing.
Seating will be limited to 120 attendees. If you plan to attend, please email me so that I can keep track of our member response. I do not want people to make the trip and there is no room available. If you are attending and would like to present a question, please email your question. We would like to have some questions to begin lining up people who wish to participate in the question and answer period..
What I hope will work out for this event, and I will know on Monday, is that I have been in discussions with WRBL- TV about increasing the dissemination of our program. We are meeting at the library on Monday to determine if a live video stream could be set up for the town hall. This would mean our entire town hall would be available at their website for real time viewing. I will send an email to the volunteers assisting at the event if we do this webcast, so that we can plan how we handle the questions and provide assistance to those attending.
Sandy Toth
Contact Representatives About Health Care
Everyone needs to contact their Senate and House Representatives to express you opinion of the government takeover of health care. Below is the information needed to determine who to contact with their contact information...
Washington's effort to overhaul the nation's health care system has generated an intense debate among lawmakers, policy makers and health care providers. If you want to express your opinion too, here is a list of key players involved and how to contact them.
The White House: (202) 456-1111 or send an e-mail at
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.: (202) 225-4965 or e-mail her at
House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio: (202) 225-6205 or e-mail him at
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.: (202) 224-3542 or send an e-mail at
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.: (202) 224-2541 or send an e-mail at
Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which canceled its vote this week on health care legislation because there was not enough support : (202) 225-3976 or send an e-mail at
Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, ranking member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee: (202) 225-2002 or send an e-mail at
Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, which passed its health care bill last week: (202) 224-2823 or send an e-mail at
Sen. Michael Enzi, ranking member on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee: (202) 224-3424 or send an e-mail at
Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, which is still working on its version of a health care bill: (202) 224-2651 or send an e-mail at
Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, ranking member on the Senate Finance Committee: (202) 224-3744 or send an e-mail at
Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y. chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, which passed its health care bill last week: (202) 225-4365 or send an e-mail at
Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich., ranking member on the House Ways and Means Committee: (202) 225-3561 or send an e-mail at
Rep.. George Miller, D-Calif., chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, which passed its health care bill last week: (202) 225-2095 or send an e-mail at
Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., ranking member on the Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions Subcommittee: (202) 225-4501 or send an e-mail at
UPDATE 7-27-09 2:09PM - I was reminded that the best chance of changing minds in Washington is to focus on the Blue Dog Democrats who are the most conservative. For a list of Blue Dogs with their contact information, please visit...
Washington's effort to overhaul the nation's health care system has generated an intense debate among lawmakers, policy makers and health care providers. If you want to express your opinion too, here is a list of key players involved and how to contact them.
The White House: (202) 456-1111 or send an e-mail at
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.: (202) 225-4965 or e-mail her at
House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio: (202) 225-6205 or e-mail him at
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.: (202) 224-3542 or send an e-mail at
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.: (202) 224-2541 or send an e-mail at
Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which canceled its vote this week on health care legislation because there was not enough support : (202) 225-3976 or send an e-mail at
Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, ranking member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee: (202) 225-2002 or send an e-mail at
Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, which passed its health care bill last week: (202) 224-2823 or send an e-mail at
Sen. Michael Enzi, ranking member on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee: (202) 224-3424 or send an e-mail at
Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, which is still working on its version of a health care bill: (202) 224-2651 or send an e-mail at
Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, ranking member on the Senate Finance Committee: (202) 224-3744 or send an e-mail at
Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y. chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, which passed its health care bill last week: (202) 225-4365 or send an e-mail at
Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich., ranking member on the House Ways and Means Committee: (202) 225-3561 or send an e-mail at
Rep.. George Miller, D-Calif., chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, which passed its health care bill last week: (202) 225-2095 or send an e-mail at
Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., ranking member on the Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions Subcommittee: (202) 225-4501 or send an e-mail at
UPDATE 7-27-09 2:09PM - I was reminded that the best chance of changing minds in Washington is to focus on the Blue Dog Democrats who are the most conservative. For a list of Blue Dogs with their contact information, please visit...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Facebook Group

Thanks to Teri, we now have a Facebook group page for the LaGrange Patriots. If you are connected on Facebook, be sure to join this group. Facebook is an excellent way to send out invitations to your network of online friends. Let's take advantage of every tool we have to get the word out!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Invite! Invite! Invite!
Incredible response from everyone about our Tea Party plans. I'm getting stopped by people every day asking about the Tea Party and wanting to volunteer. Many have joined our email list for updates leading up to the event as well.
It looks like there are more people than we expected that are tired of Washington politics trying to take over our lives. Let's keep up the pressure on our elected officials and make them vote as their constituents demand instead of voting with the standard party line.
The best way you can help the effort is to tell your friends, family, coworkers, church members, neighbors, and everyone else you can think of about our efforts. We need everyone to...
1. Promise to come to the Tea Party on Labor Day
2. Sign up for email alerts so we can keep them involved
3. Invite others to come to the Tea Party
4. Donate to the cause
5. Write and/or call your Representatives
We can make a difference in the country if we all work together!
It looks like there are more people than we expected that are tired of Washington politics trying to take over our lives. Let's keep up the pressure on our elected officials and make them vote as their constituents demand instead of voting with the standard party line.
The best way you can help the effort is to tell your friends, family, coworkers, church members, neighbors, and everyone else you can think of about our efforts. We need everyone to...
1. Promise to come to the Tea Party on Labor Day
2. Sign up for email alerts so we can keep them involved
3. Invite others to come to the Tea Party
4. Donate to the cause
5. Write and/or call your Representatives
We can make a difference in the country if we all work together!
Monday, July 20, 2009
LaGrange Daily News
Here is a link to an article in our local LaGrange Daily News concerning our upcoming Tea Party.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
LaGrange Tea Party

We have several speakers lined up and plan to have an excellent event. More details on the specifics of the event will come out, but the key right now is to tell all of your friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family that we need to show up in large numbers so that we can show Washington that we are tired of the endless wasteful spending and encroachment of our liberties.
If you would like to volunteer to assist with the Tea Party or have a business and would like to be a vendor or sponsor of the event, please email the LaGrange Patriots at the link on the right of the page.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Columbus Health Care Tea Party
Thanks to everyone who made the drive to Columbus to protest the governments upcoming health care vote. By estimates, there were 80-100 people lined up on 9th street in front of Congressman Sanford Bishop's office. There were a couple TV stations at the event and here is the writeup from the local Columbus paper. I know that at least 12 attendees were LaGrange Patriots. Keep up the effort and keep the pressure on Washington.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Thanks to Volunteers
Thanks to the 100 volunteers who showed up at our first planning meeting on July 14th. With only a single email as the initial request and only two days of advance notice, it is remarkable that we had that many people interested in our cause. Now it is time to get to work. We will quickly assemble committees and start moving forward on planning our upcoming event. More details to come...
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