In September senators and representatives will return to Washington D.C. where more than likely, they will take a vote on some degree of universal health care. President Barak Obama has already stated that he will get nationalized health care passed. Fortunately, Americans have began to wake up and take notice that Obamacare is really a goat in sheeps clothing. His ulterior motive is to implement an extreme measure of progressiveness in order to expand government control in every aspect of your life. What better way to carry out his agenda than through healthcare and economics. If the leftist can gain control of approximately 1/6th of the economy by spending one trillion dollars, possibly more, on health care alone they will be able to restructure the fundmental basic structure of society in the United States. Obamas health care plan is a well calculated attack. There is more to it than meets the eye.
If the legislation that Obama wants passes or even closley resembles the current 1018 page bill, Americans will loose five basic freedoms that they currently enjoy within a competitive free market insurance industry. Americans will not be able to choose their personal health plans, even though Obama still attempts to insist that they will. Because the private insurance companies will not be able to compete with a government ran health care program. Reason being is that the federal government does not have to make a profit. Eventually private health insurance companies would go out of business. Under nationalized health care individuals would only be given a choice of minimal benefits once placed on the government program. Secondly, People will not be paid for healthy life styles. The government will still charge the same rates regardless of how a person lives. In other words the plan and the premiums would be one size fits all. Thirdly, you would not be allowed to select coverages with high deductables in order to lower your premiums. Fourthly, Americans would not be able to keep their existing health care plan if it is offered by their place of employment. Employers will figure out that it is more cost effective to just let the government handle providing insurance and not have to be inconvenienced. The fifth freedom that Americans would relinquish would be the right to choose their own doctors. Believe me, if the government is paying for your treatment they will select which doctor you see.
But issues in the healthcare bill, which are truly troubling, are in the realm of the amount of power the federal government would have over individuals. All medical treatments would not be under the umbrella of doctor-patient privilege. All medical treatments will be tracked electronically by the federal government. Confidentiality will in essence be non-exsistant. For example, if a person had a particular diagnosis that may have a detrimental impact on their lives what would happen if that information got out. We already know how inefficient the government has been at managing Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
Doctors would be disenfranchise because the federal government would dictate what types of treatments could be dispensed. If a certain treament was experimental or costly the government could just simply deny the treatment if the patient was not considered valuable enough to save. Remember the main two objectives of this health care legislation is power for the government and cost effectiveness. The United States has always been the leader in new medicines and technology and that is why we have the best medical treatment in the world. Physicians would more than likely leave the medical practice when some beaureaucrat in Washington D.C. controls what their salary will be. If a person goes to college, medical school, and completes their residency they have to work for a lengthy period of time to pay off their educational loans. There is already a shortage of doctors. What would be the incentive to either keep practicing mediine or to even consider it as a career. That is why they need the amount of money they charge for their services.
Finally, how will senior citizens and very the young been be treated under Obamacare? Well first of all senior citizens will be required to meet with medical counsel every five years to discuss end of life issues. Other than power and control, what justifiable reasons can the government fabricate in order to be involved in such intimate personal decisions. Once senior citizens attain a certain age and the government proclaims that they have exceeded their productive years medical treatment could be denied because it is not considered cost effective. Will the government be able to decide if when a baby is born if they are worth keeping alive. It amazes me that any human being, besides a qualified doctor, with any conscience at all, can actually decide who lives and who dies by denying treatment because it is not cost effective and they are not valuable enough to save. A covert form of euthanasia would be allowable as a part of Obamas healthcare plan. The question of abortions paid for legally with taxpayer money is also a definite issue that needs to be addressed. Without a doubt the amount of spending that is necessary to sustain the money needed to have healthcare for everyone will result in higher taxes and the rationing of treatment regardless of what Mr. Obama wants you to believe. Most major polls convey that most Americans rate the health insurance plan they already have as good or excellent.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
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Obamacare can be opposed on lots of grounds from it being impractical, too expensive, and socialistic.
ReplyDeleteThe original post has many good reasons to oppose Obamacare.
Another big reason few people are discussing is the Constitutional issue. (I know the old joke, the Constitution provides no threat to our current form of government.)
If we examine Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, there is no mention of health care.
For Obamacare to be passed constitutionally, it must pass in the form of a constitutional amendment.
Obamacare would be DOA if it were to go the constitutional route (67 Senators, 291 Representatives, and 38 states needed to approve it).
Congressmen need to be made aware that a vote for Obamacare is a violation of their oath of office.
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."
They need to be reminded that violations of their oath of office with not be forgotten or forgiven.