Friday, August 28, 2009

Synopsis of Organizations Behind The Obama Adminstration

The following is a simple illustration of the liberal organizations which support the transformation of America as we know it. There are several leftist groups that have found a portal through which to fundamentally change the basic fabric on which this country was established. These organizations use window dressing to appear as legitimate entities with good intentions. The intent of this article is to educate average American citizens, especially those which consider themselves to be conservatives, about some of the hidden activities they have been involved in and to also expose what agendas in which they are involved.

This article will cover Health Care for America Now (HCAN), Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), and the Apollo Alliance. Let's analyze each group in the order in which they are mentioned above.

First, there is Health Care for America Now, commonly called HCAN. HCAN states that their goal is to afford all citizens with health coverage at affordable prices and to ensure quality health care and also provide choice. The website for HCAN states, "Our government health care system in America is not affordable health care for everyone in America and it must play a central role in regulating, financing, and provide health coverage". There are approximately seventeen enumerated powers that the United States Constitution requires that the federal government provide for it's citizens and it does not say anything to the effect that everyone is entitled to health care coverage on the tax payers dime. There are those that interpret the constitution loosely that will argue that providing national health care for all citizens falls within the "general welfare" clause. The Founding Fathers did not mean that welfare meant offering everyone medical care. In a letter from Margarida Jorge of HCAN, dated August 4, 2009, she states, "that right-wing activists have been targeting Members of Congress and President Obama". In her words she states," that in the August recess that the "tea-baggers" are showing up in large numbers in an attempt to be as disruptive as possible in the hopes of rattling Members of Congress". Jorge then goes on to give detailed instructions as to how to confront and control any meetings where people that oppose Obamas health care legislation may be protesting.

Secondly, there is the Service Employees International Union. Barak Obama actually helped the local 880 of the SEIU in Chicago, Illinois when he was a community organizer during his activists years. Obama actually assisted SEIU achieve their leftist radical agenda for big unions. Obama promised a card check initiative and free health care if he won the presidency. SEIU pledged $80 million to the Democrats and Obama recieved $27 million. The Service Employees International Union made all employees pay union dues to support its left-wing agendas even if they did not agree with them. In New York the local 1199, chapter of the SEIU, supported Obama. George Soros has contributed millions of dollars through SEIU by way of his organization America Coming Together. Obama appointed former SEIU members to his cabinet, former Kansas Governor Kathlen Seblius as the Health and Human Services Secretary and Hilda Solis as the Secretary of Labor. All of the illegal political activities in which SEIU has been involved in has been to ensure that its progressive reforms succeed and one way that they have achieved this is by getting Barak Obama elected to the oval office.

The third organization which supported Obama is the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. ACORN, which it is commonly referred, has been associated with Obama during his years as a community organizer in Chicago. ACORN quite often works with SEIU in political activists ventures. President Obama directly trained leaders for ACORN. Volunteers helped him during his campaign. Terrorist William Ayers of the Weather Underground provided financial assistance to Obamas campaign. ACORN which is a non-profit organization received more than 40 percent of its money from tax payers. Members f ACORN were paid to register new voters for the 2008 presidential election. On many occasions they registered the same person multiple times. They registered dead people to vote. And if that don't beat all they registered Mickey Mouse to vote. I wonder since ACORN supported Barak Obama, who do you think reaped the benefits of all of those new voters that actually counted. ACORN and SEIU have been involved in such activities as intimidation, voter fraud, and deceitful economic practices such as embezzlement in order to get their leftist political agendas implemented. ACORN has also been chosen to conduct the 2010 U.S. Census. How will they use the information obtained through the census in order to further their future goals?

Another Obama supporting organization is the Apollo Alliance. The Apollo Alliance is suppose to create so called green collar jobs which are environmentally friendly. The organization states that some of its primary objectives is to reduce carbon emissions and oil imports, grow domestic jobs, and strengthen the American economy. But there is more than meets the eye here. The Apollo Alliance actually created the stimulus bill of $700 billion. It received $500 billion to implement its stated programs. The Apollo Alliance persuaded the Obama Administration to create the legislation referred to as "Cap and Trade", as part of its effort to reduce carbon emissions. This process would tax industries and require them to pay taxes on the emission of carbon into the environment. This additional tax would force some industries to close down and people would loose jobs. In a nutshell, this is an effort to kill capitalism, which is one of the ultimate goals of the organizations that support President Obama and bring about, so called, social justice.

I think by now you understand why the current administration with the support of these liberal organizations mentioned above will destroy America that we know and love. The Obama Adminsitration and all of those that are trying to ram their leftist agendas down Americans throats is nothing more than radicals who would love to see America become a socialist country. At the very least being associated with these organizations is criminal within itself. To demonstrate just how the Obama Adminstration utilizes sleight of had tactics, I will feature a future article about the newest level of bureaucracy, "The Czars", of the current White House.

Banned Commercial

Want to hear the true outcome of socialized healthcare? NBC and ABC refused to air this commercial after ABC gave the Obama administration a full one hour infomercial to promote their plan.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Americans For Prosperity

One of the great organizations that will be represented at our Labor Day Tea Party is the Americans for Prosperity group. They are on the front lines fighting for tax cuts, reduced spending, support for entrepreneurship, and restraints on judicial activism. Like our group, they are a true grass roots organization made up of citizen activists from around the country. Check out their website at which is full of educational information on critical issues facing us today.

In Georgia, the state director is Virginia Galloway. She has been part of many Tea Parties around the state and has been a great advocate for our cause. The state website can be located here.

Here is a great clip of Virginia speaking at the Middle Georgia Tea Party in Macon.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Tea Party Speaker

We are excited to announce that we will have several excellent speakers at our Tea Party on Labor Day. The full list includes Ellen Gilmore, Ray McBerry, Bryan Miller, Danny Daniel, Josh McKoon, Marty Harbin, Melvin Everson, and Jonathan Krohn.

For those of you who do not recognize the name, Jonathan Krohn is a nationally recognized speaker and a prodigy who wrote his first book at the age of 13. He has appeared on numerous national television shows and received a standing ovation when he spoke last year at CPAC in Washington DC.

Krohn at CPAC

Krohn on Fox & Friends

Clark Howard's Opinion on Government Spending

Our own local Clark Howard has written an article related to his views on the current spending of our government. The full article can be found here. He reports that the government is expecting $9 trillion in additional borrowing. That is an additional $30,000 for every man, woman, and child in this country.

Clark sums the issue up very well, "So know this: The promises from both sides of the aisle about what government can do for you are not possible. The cumulative effect is that we will end up poorer, not better off."

Where will it stop?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

LaGrange Daily News

For the latest newspaper article on our Labor Day Tea Party, click here.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Intellect Of A Liberal

A man in a car was on a business trip when he realized he must have made a wrong turn and got lost. He stopped at a residence along the way and stated to the owner if he could tell him where he was. The owner took out his Global Positioning System and said you are currently 20 miles off course. The owner proceeded to explain to the traveler that he needed to go back 20 miles in the opposite direction, turn left at the first traffic light, and then drive another hour and that he would arrive at the location he was searching for. The traveler stated to the homeowner, "You must be a Conservative." The homeowner asked the traveler, "How did you know that?" The traveler stated," Everything you have told me is correct." But I have no idea how to follow the directions you have given me." The homeowner responded that you must be a Liberal. The traveler said, "How did you know? The homeowner said, "Well, you don't know where you are or where you are going." "You still would not know even if I personally escorted you to your destination." "You want me to solve your problem and you are still lost even after I tell you the right directions, and somehow I believe that you think it is my fault that you are lost in the first place."

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Member Meeting

We will be having a Member Meeting for everyone that has joined LaGrange Patriots or is interested in joining. The steering committee and committee chairs will be presenting progress reports to keep you informed on our current status. Many of you have been able to get involved as volunteers and many others will be needed before or during the actual event.

Date and Time : August 20th at 6:00pm
Location : Hoofer’s on Hogansville Rd.
Who is Invited : Any concerned citizens!
Food : We will be selling hot dog plates for $5 including chips, dessert, and drink.
RSVP : Please email us (by using the contact us link on the right) if you can come so we can estimate a count. But everyone can come even without RSVP.

We will have LaGrange Patriot T-Shirts for sale at the event for $10 each. This a great promotional opportunity if everyone wears these shirts before the event!

Remember, we can’t have a successful Tea Party without YOU!

What Will Our Administration Take A Stand Against?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Obamacare: The Ultimate Act of Deception

In September senators and representatives will return to Washington D.C. where more than likely, they will take a vote on some degree of universal health care. President Barak Obama has already stated that he will get nationalized health care passed. Fortunately, Americans have began to wake up and take notice that Obamacare is really a goat in sheeps clothing. His ulterior motive is to implement an extreme measure of progressiveness in order to expand government control in every aspect of your life. What better way to carry out his agenda than through healthcare and economics. If the leftist can gain control of approximately 1/6th of the economy by spending one trillion dollars, possibly more, on health care alone they will be able to restructure the fundmental basic structure of society in the United States. Obamas health care plan is a well calculated attack. There is more to it than meets the eye.
If the legislation that Obama wants passes or even closley resembles the current 1018 page bill, Americans will loose five basic freedoms that they currently enjoy within a competitive free market insurance industry. Americans will not be able to choose their personal health plans, even though Obama still attempts to insist that they will. Because the private insurance companies will not be able to compete with a government ran health care program. Reason being is that the federal government does not have to make a profit. Eventually private health insurance companies would go out of business. Under nationalized health care individuals would only be given a choice of minimal benefits once placed on the government program. Secondly, People will not be paid for healthy life styles. The government will still charge the same rates regardless of how a person lives. In other words the plan and the premiums would be one size fits all. Thirdly, you would not be allowed to select coverages with high deductables in order to lower your premiums. Fourthly, Americans would not be able to keep their existing health care plan if it is offered by their place of employment. Employers will figure out that it is more cost effective to just let the government handle providing insurance and not have to be inconvenienced. The fifth freedom that Americans would relinquish would be the right to choose their own doctors. Believe me, if the government is paying for your treatment they will select which doctor you see.
But issues in the healthcare bill, which are truly troubling, are in the realm of the amount of power the federal government would have over individuals. All medical treatments would not be under the umbrella of doctor-patient privilege. All medical treatments will be tracked electronically by the federal government. Confidentiality will in essence be non-exsistant. For example, if a person had a particular diagnosis that may have a detrimental impact on their lives what would happen if that information got out. We already know how inefficient the government has been at managing Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
Doctors would be disenfranchise because the federal government would dictate what types of treatments could be dispensed. If a certain treament was experimental or costly the government could just simply deny the treatment if the patient was not considered valuable enough to save. Remember the main two objectives of this health care legislation is power for the government and cost effectiveness. The United States has always been the leader in new medicines and technology and that is why we have the best medical treatment in the world. Physicians would more than likely leave the medical practice when some beaureaucrat in Washington D.C. controls what their salary will be. If a person goes to college, medical school, and completes their residency they have to work for a lengthy period of time to pay off their educational loans. There is already a shortage of doctors. What would be the incentive to either keep practicing mediine or to even consider it as a career. That is why they need the amount of money they charge for their services.
Finally, how will senior citizens and very the young been be treated under Obamacare? Well first of all senior citizens will be required to meet with medical counsel every five years to discuss end of life issues. Other than power and control, what justifiable reasons can the government fabricate in order to be involved in such intimate personal decisions. Once senior citizens attain a certain age and the government proclaims that they have exceeded their productive years medical treatment could be denied because it is not considered cost effective. Will the government be able to decide if when a baby is born if they are worth keeping alive. It amazes me that any human being, besides a qualified doctor, with any conscience at all, can actually decide who lives and who dies by denying treatment because it is not cost effective and they are not valuable enough to save. A covert form of euthanasia would be allowable as a part of Obamas healthcare plan. The question of abortions paid for legally with taxpayer money is also a definite issue that needs to be addressed. Without a doubt the amount of spending that is necessary to sustain the money needed to have healthcare for everyone will result in higher taxes and the rationing of treatment regardless of what Mr. Obama wants you to believe. Most major polls convey that most Americans rate the health insurance plan they already have as good or excellent.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Keep Up the Pressure

Now more than ever it is important to keep up pressure on our representatives to respect our wishes and end the march to socialized medicine. Proponents of the health care plan have pulled out every trick in the book accusing opponents of being organized by insurance companies and forming unruly mobs. Democrat's accusations of "Astroturf" imply falsified grass roots efforts by opponents.

There is nothing more grass roots and real than the current drive of the various Tea Party groups. For example, the LaGrange Patriots started as a simple group of concerned citizens tired of the direction of our country. We were not formed by nationwide conservative groups or insurance companies. The Patriots have continued to grow as we encounter more and more people fed up and offering to do anything they can to help with our effort.

An article in today's Atlanta Journal talks about the fears of Democratic representatives as they go back to their districts for local town hall meetings. Of course the mainstream media is playing up reports of threats and violence at these events so it is very important to remain respectful while still firm if you attend a town hall. But it is important that we show up in force to demonstrate that we do not want this legislation.

Here is a list of Georgia town halls meeting from the AJC article. Please do whatever you can to attend one or more of these events.

Scheduled meetings
Several of Georgia’s congressmen have already held town hall meetings, leaving only a few with sessions to come.
District 1: Jack Kingston (R-Savannah) -- Has held nine meetings to date. No more planned.
District 2: Sanford Bishop (D-Columbus)
Aug. 19, 8:30 a.m. at National Infantry Museum in Columbus.
Aug. 19, 4 p.m. at Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley.
Aug. 20, 10 a.m. at Kirbo Regional Center in Bainbridge.
Aug. 20, 4 p.m. at Albany State University, Albany.
District 3: Lynn Westmoreland (R-Grantville) -- Staff says meetings being planned, but no dates yet.
District 4: Hank Johnson (D-Decatur)
Monday, 7 p.m. at Georgia Perimeter College (Cole Auditorium), 555 North Indian Creek Dr., Clarkston.
District 5: John Lewis (D-Atlanta) -- Has held one meeting. No more planned.
District 6: Tom Price (R-Roswell) -- Has held one meeting. No more planned.
District 7: John Linder (R-Duluth)
Thursday, 10 a.m. at Piedmont Regional Library, 189 Bell View St., Winder.
Thursday, 5 p.m. at Suwanee Library, 361 Main St., Suwanee.
Aug. 19, 10 a.m. at Monroe- Walton Library, 217 West Spring St., Monroe.
Aug. 19, 1 p.m. at Covington Library, 7116 Floyd Road, Covington.
District 8: Jim Marshall (D-Macon) -- Staff says meetings being planned, but no dates yet.
District 9: Nathan Deal (R-Gainesville) -- Staff says meetings being planned, but no dates yet.
District 10: Paul Broun (R-Athens)
Monday, 6 p.m. at Columbia Co. Board of Education, Evans.
Tuesday, 6 p.m. at North Georgia Technical College, Clarksville.
District 11: Phil Gingrey (R-Marietta) -- Staff says meetings being planned, but no dates yet.
District 12: John Barrow (D-Savannah) -- Staff says meetings being planned, but no dates yet.
District 13: David Scott (D-Atlanta) -- Aug. 15, 10 a.m. at Mundy’s Mill High School, 9652 Fayetteville Road, Jonesboro.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Right to Bear Arms

The following essay in my series "The Founding Fathers and the U.S. Constitution," delberates as to what the founding fathers original intentions were in the second amendment. There have been several U.S. Supreme Court decisions with regard to the interpretation of the second amendment.

The Second Amendment states:

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state,

the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

This issue has been discussed and debated since the writing of the Constitution. There appears to be no definitive decision. There has always been the age old question as to whether or not the Founding Fathers were stating that only a state militia or National Guard, meaning states rights, could possess firearms or did they mean that individual citizens could own firearms, meaning individual rights.
The U.S. Supreme Court decisions with regard to the possession of firearms has been elusive to say the least. Second Amendment decisions have covered the spectrum according to which court was hearing the argument. Some courts have stated that the second amendment provides protection to militias for the defense of the state and other court opinions have interpreted the amendment as protection for the private citizen to own a firearm for the purpose of self-defense.
The most current U.S. Supreme Court decision in reference to the possession, transporation, and selling of firearms was established by the John Roberts Court. In a case entitled, District of Columbia v. Heller case number: 07-290. The decision states that the District of Columbia's prohibition on the possession of usable handguns in the home violates the second amendment of the U.S. Constitution, as does its prohibition against rendering any lawful firearm in the home operable for the purpose of mmediate self-defense. The second amendment protects the individuals right to possess a firearm unnconnected with service in a militia, and use that firearm for traditional lawful purposes such as self-defense.
At least for the time being the right to bear arms as an individual is upheld to be constitutional. If the Obama Administration and the United States Attorney General Eric Holder are able to make their ideological beliefs pervasive throughout the three branches of government there could possibly be a time in which the current court decision could be reversed. More than likely there is no panacea to resolve this issue in the forseeable future.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

GA Rep. Tom Price View on Health Care Plan

Please watch this excellent summation of the new Health Care Plan by Georgia Rep. Tom Price who is by the way a former physician.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

U.S. Constitution and the Founding Fathers

During the upcoming days I will be writing a series of essays about the first ten amendments, also known as the “Bill of Rights.” I will discuss what the Founding Fathers were trying to convey in each amendment beginning with the first amendment which states:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The first amendment is important because it places constraints on the federal government in order to keep its powers in check and protect the people’s rights from being abused by bureaucratic usurpations. The first amendment guarantees basically five individual rights that all citizens cannot be deprived of.
The first right addressed is the restrictions placed on the limits of the national government with regard to religious freedom. It states, Congress shall make NO law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibit the free exercise thereof. That means that the government will not create an official state or national religion. It also says that the government will not interfere in a citizen’s right to practice their beliefs.
In 1802, Thomas Jefferson spoke in front of the Danbury Baptist Association and he made the following statement: “The Constitution has created a wall of separation between church and state.” Up until Jefferson’s statement there was no question as to the role of religion as it pertains to the government. After that point the U.S. Supreme Court misconstrued what the actual meaning was with regard to religion. Providing equal treatment of all religions was meant to be a state responsibility, not a federal government function. The U.S. Supreme Court began to interfere with issues of religion when the Constitution strictly forbids this kind of action. The Constitution does not keep religion out of the government; it keeps the government out of religion.
The second issue that the first amendment covers is the issue of “freedom of speech.” This part allows citizens to be able to have the liberty to express their complaints publicly with regard to issues involving their government. It helps the people not to be fearful of persecution by government entities that do not agree with the ideas of the citizenry. Written expression is also covered within the amendment by including freedom of the press which protects the media. Thirdly, citizens are afforded protection against repercussions when they gather as a collective group in order to protest or demonstrate their dissatisfaction with the government about certain concerns or grievances.
The first amendment allows for a great deal of liberty within the realms of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition of grievances but citizens cannot legally exercise these constitutional rights to the point of anarchy. This amendment is a useful tool for balancing both conveniency and inconveniency of individual freedoms and rights. In my upcoming series on the Bill of Rights, I will deliberate next on what the Founding Fathers meant in the Second Amendment.